
Prosthetic eye tags

Posted under General

I'd like to condense these tags, because this many tags for what are essentially the same thing is kind of excessive. Any thoughts on which tag(s) should be made the standard, and which ones we could do without?

On that note, is there a good reason not to purge these tags of all posts where the eyes look identical to natural eyes? Otherwise we're just tagging based on outside knowledge rather than what the artist actually drew. They should actually look artificial like in post #1922458 or post #3381596, not indistinguishable like in post #3167427 or post #3786866.

My vote would be to keep artificial_eye and artificial_eyes as catch all parent tags, and alias the rest to them. Glass_eye at the very least should definitely go, I certainly can't tell just by looking that any of the eyes in its posts are specifically made of glass. Tagging them simply as artificial, if you can actually tell they're artificial, should be good enough.

Cybernetic_eye and mechanical_eye could be specific and easily recognizable enough to keep as implications to the artificial tags, but looking through them it seems like people were using them interchangeably to an extent, so maybe one or both could just be aliases.

I think there could be an argument to be made that when talking about a character that is itself already artificial, such as T-Dolls from GFL, you can't really call their eyes "artificial" if they were part of the design to begin with. AK-12 isn't even the subject of any of these tags except for two posts. So whether or not the appearance of the eye is all that matters for the tag regardless of whether or not the eye is specifically a new addition could be its own question.

Yeah, the latter two posts should not be tagged with it, since there's no indication of it from the picture itself.

glass eye is the term that's used IRL for prosthetic eyes, but since we're talking about anime pictures it's more likely than not that what's depicted is something of the mechanical sort. Either "artificial" or "mechanical" would work as the "main" tag imo. Normally I'd go for "mechanical" due to all the other mechanical_* tags we already have, but since the eye is a squishy part it feels weird to call it "mechanical" rather than "artificial", but that might just be my ESL perception of it.

It'll be useful to alias cybernetic eye to whatever is picked due to the many different users that use that tag and glass eye because that's a common way to call them IRL.

blindVigil said:
I think there could be an argument to be made that when talking about a character that is itself already artificial, such as T-Dolls from GFL, you can't really call their eyes "artificial" if they were part of the design to begin with. AK-12 isn't even the subject of any of these tags except for two posts. So whether or not the appearance of the eye is all that matters for the tag regardless of whether or not the eye is specifically a new addition could be its own question.

Things like mechas or actual robots should not be tagged with it, but Girls Frontline dolls are rarely depicted as actual androids, they're usually just girls with doll/robot joints, so if the eye is distinctly artificial while the rest of the face is not then it should still be tagged.

blindVigil said:

My vote would be to keep artificial_eye and artificial_eyes as catch all parent tags, and alias the rest to them. Glass_eye at the very least should definitely go, I certainly can't tell just by looking that any of the eyes in its posts are specifically made of glass. Tagging them simply as artificial, if you can actually tell they're artificial, should be good enough.

Yeah, I was leaning towards artificial_eye, simply because it's the broadest and most all-encompassing term. I had considered retaining glass_eye as a tag for eyes that are purely cosmetic (real-world prosthetic eyes, not the functional kind you see in science fiction), but this idea appears to be a dead end for a couple reasons:

  • A lot of uploaders probably can't be bothered to distinguish between functional eyes and nonfunctional eyes.
  • Realistic glass eyes usually look so similar to real eyes that no one can tell the difference anyway, in which case they shouldn't be tagged.

nonamethanks said:

Normally I'd go for "mechanical" due to all the other mechanical_* tags we already have, but since the eye is a squishy part it feels weird to call it "mechanical" rather than "artificial", but that might just be my ESL perception of it.

It's not just an ESL thing; the connotation is the same to me as a native speaker. "Mechanical eye" makes me think of an eye with gears and servos and hinges, but apart from Saitou's Hawkeye, I can't think of any characters with an eye that has moving parts like that. Consistency with the other mechanical_* parts tags would be nice, but I don't think it's as important as having a tag that accurately conveys its meaning to users who don't read wiki pages.

BUR #2558 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias cybernetic_eye -> mechanical_eye
create implication glass_eye -> artificial_eye
create implication mechanical_eye -> artificial_eye

Reason: Based on the responses to the OP.

I've drafted a wiki for artificial_eye and cleaned all the aforementioned tags of posts where the eyes don't appear to be artificial, so unless there are any late objections, there shouldn't be anything left to stand in the way of consolidating these tags.

As for characters whose eyes are both artificial, those posts have been manually moved to artificial_eyes. This is assuming that we still want to have a singular tag and a plural tag; the plural tag is only 19 posts for now but there are enough untagged Batou posts that it could easily be made a lot bigger.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2558 (forum #165854) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I don't have an issue having with having a parent tag for these, but I do think that there should be a means to differentiate "smart" prosthetic eyes that are mechanical or electronic in nature and "dumb" glass/plastic prosthetic eyes. So at minimum -1 to the glass_eye alias, it's visibly different from the other artificial eyes and it really needs its own tag to be able to sort them out from the rest.


+1 for me on NWF Renim too, I'd be fine with:

(probably mechanical_eyecybernetic_eye, since the latter is somewhat bigger and already has a wiki)

A chunk of stone or glass is sufficiently different visually (in most cases) and functionally (in all cases) from a camera with a neural interface to keep them distinct.

+1 to iridescent​ slime on de-tagging / posting guidance not to use these tags in cases where they aren't visibly differentiable from natural eyes.

Glass eyes may be less obviously differentiable from natural eyes when "installed", but they can still be depicted as having a dead or off-kilter gaze compared to the natural eye (e.g. post #3839926) to make it obvious what it is (in addition to the possibility that they can be "uninstalled".


Isn't there a similar distinction there, where a mechanical_* limb is presumably mechanized / motorized / active / motile with a similar neural interface as the "mechanical_eye" discussed above, whereas the typical prosthetic_* limb is a static / "dead" extension made of wood, plastic, fiberglass, or the like? You can stand on it, but it's not going to do any work for you on its own. It feels again like the two would have a significant enough functional and visual difference to keep separate to me at least.

Shinjidude said:

Isn't there a similar distinction there, where a mechanical_* limb is presumably mechanized / motorized / active / motile with a similar neural interface as the "mechanical_eye" discussed above, whereas the typical prosthetic_* limb is a static / "dead" extension made of wood, plastic, fiberglass, or the like? You can stand on it, but it's not going to do any work for you on its own. It feels again like the two would have a significant enough functional and visual difference to keep separate to me at least.

And what about magical replacement limbs? I know I have seen a character with a single doll jointed limb that appears to be usable.

Could we perhaps make umbrella tags with artificial_* limbs?