
Tag nuke: non-anime_related

Posted under Tags

BUR #2370 has been rejected.

mass update non-anime_related -> -non-anime_related

Reason: As per Kikimaru.

Also, if a manga was never adapted into anime, then a post about that manga would be non-anime related. The Pokémon Special posts are non-anime related.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2370 (forum #164118) has been rejected by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Danielx21 said:

BUR #2370 has been rejected.

mass update non-anime_related -> -non-anime_related

Reason: As per Kikimaru.

Also, if a manga was never adapted into anime, then a post about that manga would be non-anime related. The Pokémon Special posts are non-anime related.

You're taking a too literal interpretation of "non-anime". The usage of "anime" has always meant really anything we could tie to anime/manga art styles and Asian games. The interpretation of non-anime should follow how it is used in the ToS though and is exactly what the vast majority of those tagged as such are. The vast majority of posts tagged are random photo, screenshots, webcomics, and drawings that have absolutely nothing to do with acceptable content on the site.

Prohibited and Restricted Content
You may not upload any of the following:

  • Non-anime: Photographs of American porn actresses, for example, are prohibited. Photographs of cosplayers, figures, or prominent figures in the industry are acceptable.

NWF_Renim said:

You're taking a too literal interpretation of "non-anime".

I see your point, but I'm generally not a big fan of any tags that have a meaning other than the normal English meaning. I know some tags like these exist, but I'd rather avoid them when possible.

Danielx21 said:

I see your point, but I'm generally not a big fan of any tags that have a meaning other than the normal English meaning. I know some tags like these exist, but I'd rather avoid them when possible.

Given the purpose of the tag, it could just as well be renamed "off-topic" and cover content that is blatantly off the scope of this site. The definition could be narrowed to specifically cover non-anime-related real life photos (post #3295849), crude scribble drawings (post #3600800), and other oddities (random icons post #3253880, text post #2452571, etc).

NWF_Renim said:

You're taking a too literal interpretation of "non-anime". The usage of "anime" has always meant really anything we could tie to anime/manga art styles and Asian games.

A bit confused here. Given such explanation, wouldn't that make (mostly) westernn artists and their art styles non-anime_related?

By this I mean artists whose art wouldn't arguably be visually recognised as anime-related if seen without knowing the source reference or if it's just purely original work. A drastic reference of my question would evidently be cartoon-inspired art styles but I think a more relevant and sensible reference would be styles that look more like a comic book and/or more "American"/real looking for example post #3821416.

Absolutixn said:

A bit confused here. Given such explanation, wouldn't that make (mostly) westernn artists and their art styles non-anime_related?

By this I mean artists whose art wouldn't arguably be visually recognised as anime-related if seen without knowing the source reference or if it's just purely original work. A drastic reference of my question would evidently be cartoon-inspired art styles but I think a more relevant and sensible reference would be styles that look more like a comic book and/or more "American"/real looking for example post #3821416.

Initially "non-anime" did cover western art, but that has been spun off into the "western" category in the ToS. "Non-Anime" or "Off-topic/scope" images are prohibited, but "western" content is simply restricted and given higher scrutiny in terms of being accepted.

The following may be uploaded, but will be put to a higher level of artistic and qualitative scrutiny than normal, and (if applicable) you must tag them with the corresponding tag. Please do not upload more than 20 a day of these works:

  • Western: Drawings of characters from non-Japanese comics, games, and other properties.

NWF_Renim said:

Initially "non-anime" did cover western art, but that has been spun off into the "western" category in the ToS. "Non-Anime" or "Off-topic/scope" images are prohibited, but "western" content is simply restricted and given higher scrutiny in terms of being accepted.

So to clear that out (and not steal the thread's spotlight), a hypothetical situation: I upload a piece of Okita Souji (Fate) drawn by a Western artist in a distinctly and unmistakably Western artstyle. Does that make the piece get into that restricted and put through much tighter quality bottlenecking? If the artstyle 200% Japanese-looking does that exempt it from going through that control?


Absolutixn said:

So to clear that out (and not steal the thread's spotlight), a hypothetical situation: I upload a piece of Okita Souji (Fate) drawn by a Western artist in a distinctly and unmistakably Western artstyle. Does that make the piece get into that restricted and put through much tighter quality bottlenecking? If the artstyle 200% Japanese-looking does that exempt it from going through that control?

To put it in layman terms: most approvers are weeaboos, and weeaboos generally only like anime style stuff, so yes, non-anime style stuff is held to "higher scrutiny" in the sense that fewer people are interested in it in a japanese-focused site. But if it's something from an eastern copyright it typically get a pass even if it's drawn in an western style, as long as it's drawn well enough. There's no objective "higher scrutiny" besides the fact that most approvers are wary of approving western content because we're all huge weebs.

Realistic-style eastern content is pretty high rated here, so your example would be fine. See for example astor_alexander.


Absolutixn said:

So to clear that out, a hypothetical situation: I upload a piece of Okita Souji (Fate) drawn by a Western artist in a distinctly and unmistakably Western artstyle. Does that make the piece get into that restricted and put through much tighter quality bottlenecking? If the artstyle 200% Japanese-looking does that exempt it from going through that control?

Functionally how this has been operating is all content that does not bypass the moderation queue is gone over by approvers. The approvers of the site have a general overlapping area of content that they'll approve. Content that deviates from that area has fewer people willing to approve it, and generally the "higher the quality" that art is the easier it will be to make someone willing to approve it. It's why there is some content that easily get approved and there is content that is not. So for your example, it will naturally get higher scrutiny by deviating from the norm of the site (the collectively accepted content by approvers) and so is less likely to be approved.

This also does not include of course the fact that other users can flag content and put it back into the moderation queue, which somewhat serves as a voice of the wider userbase of the site in the regulation of acceptable and non-acceptable content. So even if your example might get approved by a single approver, if it deviates too far from what the userbase finds acceptable they may put it back into the moderation queue and make it necessary that a different approver approves the images.

In short the description in the ToS is both a rule and a description of the natural operation of the collective of approvers and userbase of the site in regards to content and how it will get approved and accepted on the site.

NWF_Renim said:

Initially "non-anime" did cover western art, but that has been spun off into the "western" category in the ToS. "Non-Anime" or "Off-topic/scope" images are prohibited, but "western" content is simply restricted and given higher scrutiny in terms of being accepted.

  • About "Western":

We currently have a Western tag for the Western film genre. But anyway, should we maybe have some other "western" tag for all franchises from America, Europe, etc.? For instance, basically all marvel, dc_comics, and disney posts would have such a tag. Then again, there is a bit of overlap. There are some Japanese manga, anime, and games from Marvel (Spider-Man manga), DC (Batman Ninja) and Disney (Kingdom Hearts, Stitch anime, Kilala Princess). Recruiters (Disney) is a Japanese concept from Disney with 100+ posts.

  • About "Off-topic":

Like create an off-topic tag? I see the point of tagging something like that. But then again, what about this: we could say that 100% of accepted posts are arguably on-topic simply because they were accepted. If some western art got accepted, there was arguably some reason why it fits here (like very, very high quality). If something was deleted, then by virtue of being deleted, it is considered off-topic; or rather, it was deleted because it is considered off-topic. As we know, all of that can be reviewed later by flagging accepted posts and appealing deleted posts.


Danielx21 said:

  • About "Western":

We currently have a Western tag for the Western film genre. But anyway, should we maybe have some other "western" tag for all franchises from America, Europe, etc.? For instance, basically all marvel, dc_comics, and disney posts would have such a tag. Then again, there is a bit of overlap. There are some Japanese manga, anime, and games from Marvel (Spider-Man manga), DC (Batman Ninja) and Disney (Kingdom Hearts, Stitch anime, Kilala Princess). Recruiters (Disney) is a Japanese concept from Disney with 100+ posts.

I don't see a reason to create a catchall tag for the various Western properties and franchises, but if you think there is value in having some means of grouping origin then I don't see why we couldn't just have a list of Western series instead. Although if we did that, I don't see why we couldn't just have the list be a list of all series by country of origin instead.

Danielx21 said:

  • About "Off-topic":

Like create an off-topic tag? I see the point of tagging something like that. But then again, what about this: we could say that 100% of accepted posts are arguably on-topic simply because they were accepted. If some western art got accepted, there was arguably some reason why it fits here (like very, very high quality). If something was deleted, then by virtue of being deleted, it is considered off-topic; or rather, it was deleted because it is considered off-topic. As we know, all of that can be reviewed later by flagging accepted posts and appealing deleted posts.

That logic only works if you conflate both quality and subject matter into a single category, but even our own rejection of approval lists them as two separate categories (which is how I feel it should be). Being off-topic is specifically stating that the subject matter of the post is completely outside the topic of this website and therefore does not belong here. For cases like that no degree of "quality" will ever make such a post something that should be approved on this website. For example some random photos or someone uploading the blueprints of a house. It doesn't matter how high the quality of the post is, they're simply subject matters that do not belong on this website. Furthermore the vast majority of deleted posts are deleted not because their subject matter is off-topic, but because their "quality" is seen as lacking in someway or another.

We also can't truly say that something that has been accepted is always on-topic for the site, given that such a post can easily be flagged. If the community of users consistently see such a post as something that does not belong, I believe it would inevitably end up deleted. In short "on-topic" is both being approved to be on the site and maintaining that approved state on the website. There have been a few cases already of posts reaching approval, but not maintaining the state of being approved due to consistently being flagged for their subject matter.


Strongly against nuking this tag, regardless of the outcome of the above discussion on western artists. This is a very old tag that predates that debate entirely, and most of the posts in it would be completely unsearchable otherwise.

BUR #2490 has been approved by @evazion.

create alias non-anime_related -> off-topic

Reason: If we want to have a tag for posts that have been deleted for being off-topic, that's fine. It should only be for things that are universally agreed to be off-topic though. I don't want to see people flooding it or passive-aggressively tagging it on active posts they don't agree with.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2490 (forum #165363) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

nonamethanks said:

@evazion so now the tag is being used for things like post #2276979, post #3267689, and post #3531198. There's tens of thousands of posts like these on danbooru. Is this fine?

I mentioned this in post #3857277, some of those are things that would have previously been tagged non-anime related, but since that's been aliased, any active posts that were are now tagged off-topic. Seems like @ion288 decided to add it to a bunch of posts today, despite evazion stating the tag to be for things that have actually been, or agreed by everyone that it should be, deleted for being off-topic.

Also, I feel it worth acknowledging, the current wiki definition was done by someone who had only made an account four days prior, and I don't think adequately explains what the tag should really be for.

blindVigil said:

I mentioned this in post #3857277, some of those are things that would have previously been tagged non-anime related, but since that's been aliased, any active posts that were are now tagged off-topic. Seems like @ion288 decided to add it to a bunch of posts today, despite evazion stating the tag to be for things that have actually been, or agreed by everyone that it should be, deleted for being off-topic.

Also, I feel it worth acknowledging, the current wiki definition was done by someone who had only made an account four days prior, and I don't think adequately explains what the tag should really be for.

So is this supposed to be a tag for deleted posts only? Whats the point of that?

It was already used on several active posts like post #461713 and post #2962212. Im not trying to say these posts (or the ones I tagged) should be deleted. I really did interpret it as a tag for "western" style art, I suspect others will to. Please explain how this tag is supposed to work.

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