post #9000000 GET!

Should pince-nez imply glasses?

Posted under General

seika0 said:

According to the wiki page for sunglasses, characters wearing sunglasses shouldn't be tagged with glasses as well. However, there are pictures like post #3782013 where characters are wearing pince-nez sunglasses, and since pince-nez implies glasses, the glasses tag can't be removed.

It probably shouldn't be an implication. Pince-nez are traditionally known as glasses [1], but have been recently used as sunglasses, especially in pop culture such as in The Matrix.

1. Source: Wikipedia - Pince-nez

iridescent_slime said:

@seika0 You can make a BUR to remove the implication, but the posts that aren't actually glasses will still have to be retagged manually.

As an aside, I just noticed that there is an empty glasses_on_shirt (0 posts) tag that implicates glasses and shirt. What's the deal with that?

I was originally going to make a BUR, but I wanted to check to see if I was missing information in this situation.