
Safebooru - worksafe Danbooru domain

Posted under General

Granola said: Also, after this recent change danbooru seems to run much slower than before. related?

Danbooru itself seems to be running fine for me (at the moment), although safebooru was very slow when I tried about an hour ago.

I'm surprised it even removes entries from my deleted posts page (I have 8 but only three entries show on safebooru) but there's a couple of bugs - the tag subscription preview at the bottom of my profile shows some non-safe thumbnails although I can't access the images themselves and they don't show up on the full list sub:wanchan:Artist. Comment search also shows non-safe thumbnails.

Muey said:
Heh, this convinently also resolves the old problem/request of being able to view the "popular by month/week/day" -pages without them being dominated by 90% porn. Which is awesome. Thanks.

Oh snap, thanks for pointing that out, very useful!

Muey said:
Heh, this convinently also resolves the old problem/request of being able to view the "popular by month/week/day" -pages without them being dominated by 90% porn. Which is awesome. Thanks.

This is literally the best part about safebooru.

yume_no_hikari said: As a point of order, is there any additional moderation before an image can appear on safebooru?

safebooru is just danbooru with the server running an extra check to show only safe. So there's only one moderation queue, and what is approved or posted here is what shows there, as long as it's safe.

Albert, you should change the "similar" link on safebooru, in the post view and the upload form. The regular search also returns NSFW picture matches.

You can now link to$URL$ (or$URL$ though some people have problems getting to domains), that will only show safe images and also link the results to safebooru not danbooru (like would).


Do you plan on keeping "notdanbooru" around for any reason? I noticed that the OP still links to that domain, but it is now a clone of the main site. Could you possibly edit the new link in so as not to confuse any of danbooru's completely unobservant users?

albert said:
the similar link has been updated.

Ah, but not in a way that'll work as intended.

You're linking to the db-search.php script which does a Danbooru search. The script name is not needed as long as the service name is in the URL, so you can remove the db-search.php part from both the Danbooru and Safebooru URLs if it's easier. But definitely remove it from the Safebooru similar link or it'll still return questionable and explicit images.

roastbeefy said: Do you plan on keeping "notdanbooru" around for any reason? I noticed that the OP still links to that domain, but it is now a clone of the main site. Could you possibly edit the new link in so as not to confuse any of danbooru's completely unobservant users?

I edited albert's top post to replace notdanbooru with safebooru.

Aurelia said:
I don't seem to be able to respond to messages in Safebooru. I click the "Respond" link, and no box appears. The "Compose" works just fine.

This was a problem here for a short time, and albert fixed it. Maybe he just forgot to fix it on safebooru too?

Yeah, that's the same bug.

On another note, could the safebooru announcement banner be made hideable like the account upgrade banner is? Or will the safebooru banner just be removed altogether after a while?

You might try doing a search prior to necrobumping a year old thread. It's been mentioned many times on the forum in recent history, especially in the "Danbooru 2" thread: forum #34926.

Safebooru was taken down a couple weeks ago by Albert as he works on optimizing the main site and perhaps as he builds the updated version. AFAIK there has been no word yet on when it might return.

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