
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

PhoenixG said:

Unless the artist himself detexted it, we don't allow it on booru. As it's considered 3rd party edit

Serching third-party_edit+detexted it results in 38 pages here and the last one was uploaded 1 day ago from too... it doesn't make sense what you say

lamialover97 said:

Could someone explain why post #3719849 wasn't approved?
From the Padoru arts, this one was well draw by a good artist, and there's a lot of other simpler Padoru edits which got approved.

It's got a weird fuzz around some of the edges of the linework that looks like artifacting or a bad scan quality to some degree. I personally found it hard to look at due to that.

iridescent_slime said:

post #3718723 might have gotten a pass if it were more detailed or part of a multi-page comic. There's nothing wrong with an artist having a sketch-y style as long as they made an effort to make it look good, but the poorly-drawn hands and scribbly background don't do much to sell this image.

I see. I'll make an effort to look out for that sort of thing in future. Thanks.