Currently fonts used for translations are pretty hit or miss depending on the device and operating system. This can drastically affect the presentation of the note to the user, compared to how the translator intended it to be seen. With issue #4212, fonts can now be supported by the site itself so that it's guaranteed that a font will work on every device.
@ 'ing all of the major translators that use font-family
@Moonspeaker @Paracite @Levander @Arcana55 @NNescio @Zurreak @BarefeetChaser @NWSiaCB @Nazdrovie
The fonts that have been added to the site-supported list are:
- Comic Sans MS (fedb525).
Any desired font to be supported must be free. The following quote from GitHub gives the reason why.
evazion said (Github comment):
I added a fallback font for Comic Sans. The other basic fonts (Arial / Verdana / Times New Roman) are already supported on most systems, either by the actual font itself or by a builtin equivalent (i.e. Android uses Noto Serif as a substitute for Times New Roman and Roboto as a substitute for Verdana). I'm using to get this info.
The big problem here is that most fonts used in notes are under copyright. We can't distribute the font files ourselves without buying commercial licenses, which aren't that cheap. So for every font we want to support we have to find a free alternative that's close enough to the real thing.
Another restriction is that this will not be something that will be used to support hundreds of fonts. Supporting any font has a cost associated with it since each font has to be downloaded to every user's device.* Around 10 supported fonts would be a good ballpark figure for the maximum.
* Seems like fonts only get loaded on demand.
So this is an opportunity to get desired fonts for translating which are guaranteed to work on any system, thus ensuring that a note gets displayed as intended by the translator.
As a reminder, for a font to be site-supported, it must be:
- Free
- Not universally supported (
- A maximum of around 10 supported fonts total
- Though if a font is really needed it can always be added
- (2019-11-17)
- Updated statements as fonts are only loaded as needed