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Safebooru - worksafe Danbooru domain

Posted under General

I've branched the code base and made a version that filters out explicit and questionable posts, available at http://safebooru.donmai.us. This still shares the same database so anything posted here will show up there, and anything posted there will show up here. But because it's adding an extra SQL condition it'll likely be slower.

For people who've been asking for a clean version.

[jxh edit - replaced 'notdanbooru' with 'safebooru']

Updated by YuriTenshi

The only reason I'm iffy about linking to pictures from Danbooru to other sites/forums is because of the NSFW J-List ads. Unfortunately, NotDanbooru still shows those ads.

EDIT: I'm aware that I could just upload the images to another image hosting site, but sometimes I like to keep things simple.


Ryuudesu said:
Could you sticky this or rename the topic title ? because "NotDanbooru" mightn't get the intended message across

And thanks, have been waiting for this.

If people don't read, they don't deserve it.

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