post #9000000 GET!

Upload ban request

Posted under General

There have been a lot of noxious uploads to the yukkuri_abuse tag recently. No source on images, low effort tagging, it seems to be done for the sole purpose of shitting up the front page and feeds. The guro tag would be appropriate on many of these but it has not been added by the uploader.

post #3463556 has been sourced as "adasdasdsad"
post #3463557 is just a re-upload of an image that was not approved and deleted.

I suspect it is just the same user uploading all of these, though who uploads things now is hidden so I can't check.

Dejiko42 said:

I suspect it is just the same user uploading all of these, though who uploads things now is hidden so I can't check.

You can find the user uploading it in the tag history, and at least for 6 pics is the same user

Isn't the first person in the tag history the uploader? Or is that not visible when you're member-level?

Looks like it's user #604708 for those two anyway. I'm not sure I'd characterize six uploads as 'a lot' but typing nonsense in the source field and reuploading deleted images are both not innocent accidents. A talking-to is warranted.

edit: sniped