- When viewing posts, swiping right goes back. The sensitivity for this is way too high, it engages regularly when I'm trying to scroll down.
- In search results, forum threads and pools indexes, you can only move one page at a time. This is a particular issue on the forums since important threads can be hundreds of pages long and new posts appear at the end.
- tall images in pool indexes are all screwed up. They overflow other images and may cover the next page button at the bottom.
- Zoom and left-right scroll is disabled when viewing posts. The first is problematic with large annotated images, since the notes end up tiny. The second is problematic because scrolling down can still shift the view left or right if swiping at a slight angle.
- It seems to be impossible to select and thus copy text on a post page. Parenting posts or copying notes requires trying to remember the post number.
- Note pop-ups get a boost to text size, but the pop-up size and location is not clamped to screen size. As a result, large notes or notes that use "white-space: nowrap" end up cut off, usually on the left.
- (minor) Note boxes are slightly but noticeably offset upwards from where they should be.
All of these are on Android using mobile Firefox.