
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

iridescent_slime said:

Another solo vote here. Characters appearing in a logo (like this, or Eudetinis's character watermarks) aren't really a part of the scene. Nor are characters who appear only in paintings or figures or as a design on a shirt or an image on a screen. A representation of a character is not the character herself. Ceci n'est pas une pipe.

That's not really how this tag works.
By that logic you wouldn't count insets as well. I'm sure you don't. They aren't really part of the scene is therefore a rather weak argument.

We count instances of a character showing up. A depiction in an image/ on a shirt shouldn't count as an instance, I guess we can agree on that one.
But here, it's more like an inset. And we know that we don't tag these as solo, despite them not interacting with the main character for the most part.

Watermarks do look like insets for the most part, at least in Eudetenis' case.

I'm ok with the image getting tagged solo (Your reasoning looks sound), however then we should update the solo wiki to avoid further confusion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Guaro1238 said:

But sometimes it's Twitter > Pixiv as I saw it

See help:post relationships. Twitter > Pixiv is only true if – for example – the Twitter version is a newer revision or has a much higher resolution that makes up for the extra artifacts that Twitter JPEGs always come with. post #3610511 is pixel-identical to its parent but has shittier compression. (I guess Pixiv does lossless recompression on PNGs.)

If you have trouble judging image size or compression, it’s easiest to stay away from uploading Twitter duplicates unless you can see that it’s a newer revision.

Updated by DanbooruBot