Alright. This is going to look like a royal pain in the derriere, but bare with me.
So far, we have these request tags:
translation request
source request
artist request
character request- only has one post, but could be useful if applied more often.
Now, looking at this, it's looking almost like our old nemesis tagme has been rendered obsolete. I have absolutely no problem with this. tagme is one of the most abused tags on danbooru, often misused as a catch-all for all the request tags and assraped by newbies who mistake it for a 'tag this for me' tag. I will even admit that as I newbie I thought this, because that seemed to be it's primary use.
Tagme has shrunk recently to only about 250 pages. I think this is a good opportunity to kill it, once and for all, and replace it with the following unambiguous system:
source request- Used somewhat like the current 'tagme'; for when an image is thought not to be original but the series isn't known.
artist request- When the artist is not known, or they are know but their name is not due to the language barrier.
character request- When the series(s) are known but the names of the characters are not.
name characters- Used just as it is now, as the tag for images with many characters the require tagging and notes.
The point would be to eliminate the ambiguous nature of tagme and get rid of the #1 excuse for lazy tagging. Of course, the key to this working would be cooperation between all of us. I'd suggest these steps:
-Remove tagme from all deleted images. There's no reason for that tag to be there if the image is for all intents and purposes gone.
-Look for images that have nothing but tagme or very few tags apart from it. Tag them and remove it, there's a good chance it was lazy tagging and nobody really wanted the source.
-Look for images that have their series, characters and artist all tagged and remove it from those.
-Look for images that have their series and characters tagged but not artist (and aren't tagged lazily) and switch it for artist request
-Look for images that appear original but have no artist tagged and switch it for artist request
-Look for images that have their series tagged but the characters not and swap it for character request.
-Once only source requests are left, mass-edit the rest of tagme images to source request and let it die when the server cleans out. Might do to make a public note somewhere that the tag is not longer in use.
Thoughts? Opinions? If I missed anything in my little plan please correct me, I've been awake for a little too long and my brain is a bit fuzzy.
Updated by Toks