Ran across this post earlier (https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/3548167) and saw it flagged for review, "Violates the bestiality rule. The fact it was even approved is egregious."
This had me curious. I did a tag search for bestiality and found 3.8k approved posts. Searched the forums and found a 10 year old post about bestiality rule violations, and a link to the ToS (https://danbooru.donmai.us/static/terms_of_service), but the specific rule cited no longer exists in the current ToS version: "Bestiality: Any photograph or photorealistic drawing or movie that depicts humans having sex (either explicit or implied) with other non-human animals." If this line still existed in the current ToS, then it could be argued that all 3.8k tagged posts should be flagged.
Regarding the ToS, the only explicitly prohibited content listed is "Non-Anime, Manga (entire chapters, single pages okay), and Fake Translations". Even the 'restricted' content is permitted, provided it is tagged and that it will be "put to a higher level of artistic and qualitative scrutiny than normal". Now regarding the post I linked, if the argument were to be made that it simply doesn't pass on an artistic level... I might agree. I just found it odd that it were flagged for a rule violation... that seemingly doesn't exist.
Edit: The forum post I mentioned (https://danbooru.donmai.us/forum_topics/1420) the debate was centered around the word 'photorealistic' and not whether such content was allowed at all.
Again, if the question were if the post passes quality (it probably doesn't), I wouldn't even bother asking. I'm just curious about a violation of a rule that doesn't seem to exist. Is there a secret list of post rules written by a secret weeb-illuminati?