post #9000000 GET!

[REJECTED] Slime_girl alias request

Posted under Tags

BUR #2033 has been approved by @evazion.

remove alias slimegirl -> goo_girl
remove alias googirl -> goo_girl
remove alias slime_girl -> goo_girl
remove implication goo_girl -> monster_girl
create alias goo_guy -> slime_guy

Reason: (Apparently i can't make the alias goo_girl -> slime_girl and imply slime_girl -> monster_girl requests in this same BUR)

Slime girl is more widely used than goo girl.

EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This bulk update request has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2033 (forum #157483) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

EDIT: The bulk update request #2033 (forum #157483) has been approved by @evazion.

Updated by DanbooruBot

I don't see what difference it makes as long as all the terms are equally unambiguous. Slime and goo are basically synonyms, and the existing aliases are enough to address any mistagging or missed searches, so this update seems like a solution to a nonexistent problem.

Sometimes goo girls are made of things other than slime, such as post #843361 and post #2203840.

(Of course that raises a semantic argument which word is really more generic among various substances, but I think honey, at least, could be more comfortably referred to as "goo" than "slime". If we really wanted to be as accurate as possible it might need to be liquid_girl or something)

Ive seen the term "slime" used much more often in major monstergirl releases than "goo". I'd maybe suggest "googirl" and related tags point to "slimegirl" and related tags.

7HS said:

Sometimes goo girls are made of things other than slime, such as post #843361 and post #2203840.

(Of course that raises a semantic argument which word is really more generic among various substances, but I think honey, at least, could be more comfortably referred to as "goo" than "slime". If we really wanted to be as accurate as possible it might need to be liquid_girl or something)

I'd still categorize them as slimegirls. They may not be made of slime, but the concept of a monstergirl being made entirely of a thick liquid is still the same.

Bumping this since it was forgotten and autorejected. "slime girl" is vastly more popular as a term than "goo girl". Even characters made of other substances like chocolate, drinks etc qualify as "slime girls" as the term is commonly understood.

Monster girl quest calls them スライム娘 (slime musume), MonMusu calls them slime girls, Monster Girl Encyclopedia calls them slime girl, etc.
