
Policy on tagging on upload page vs just right after the upload

Posted under General

iridescent_slime said:

It would certainly deter posting scenery and still life images, not to mention text only pages. It's impossible to enforce an arbitrary minimum number of tags on uploads where there simply aren't that many things to tag.

If we enforced a minimum tag count, we could also allow users to manually override it by checking an agreement that there are few taggable features in the image. Since the vast majority of contested posts are very much taggable, it would be easy to spot abuse.

BrokenEagle98 said:

[...] it would be nice if there was a 5-15 minute delay before anyone other than the uploader could tag an image. I've had it happen quite a few times where I'd upload an image, notice a tagging error, but before I could fix it, another user had beaten me to it. It usually ends up created 3 or more post version records, since I frequently also think of additional tags only after the image is uploaded.

This might just be a brainfart, but how feasible would it be to "lock" an image when someone is in the process of uploading?

To clarify:

Let's say that Person A wishes to upload some image from Pixiv. For example
Person A throws it into the bookmarket and starts working on filling out the tags. The server notices someone is working on and drops the link in some kind of list.

After a minute Person B throws the same into the bookmarkelet. Server notices the same link and knows that someone is still working on it. Server shows a message to Person B that someone is still working on it and disables the ability to post.

The timeout period could be whatever value is appropriate. 1 minute, 5 minutes, until person A finishes uploading, or whatever...

Should take care of the sniping issue. And if entries on the checklist are deleted when a post is completed or the timeout is hit, it should also not be a too major impact on the server.

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