post #9000000 GET!

Dororo gender tag

Posted under Tags

So someone posted a Dororo art with 2boys, even though the character Dororo, canonically female, is present. When I asked them about it, their response was "post what you see, it's in the rules". Just about every other post under that tag has her labeled as female, or at least 1other or androgynous.

How do you resolve this?

1girl with androgynous would be the appropriate way to tag the vast majority of dororo pictures. You have to use canon and logic when it comes to tagging gender, otherwise every image without visible primary/secondary sexual characteristics would be impossible to tag with certainty. In this case even if you use "tag what you see" I don't see anything that makes Dororo clearly a boy in that image either so you fall back on canon with 1girl (and androgynous, because she is)

Unbreakable said:

Unless the image and/or the commentary indicates otherwise the canon gender should be tagged, otherwise almost all otoko no ko posts would be tagged with 1girl since that's what you see.

The character is generally assumed in canon to be male, but it's a plot reveal she's a girl. Character design is pretty androgynous. These two tags appears consistently in posts of the character.

Edit: Misread your post. My bad.


No, not really. Most (normal) people don't differentiate between someone's gender and sex. The phrase "gender presentation" really only exists in the lexicons of those aware of (me) or involved with (you) fringe progressive politics.
In either scenario, the rules of engagement on tagging male and female characters has already been established. Changing it would require massive retagging. Not only is it pointless, but impractical. It's a moot point.
That said, it's worth noting that Dororo only identified herself as male for two pragmatic reasons.
1) She didn't want to make her companion uncomfortable, even though he knew already.
2) In that time period, it wasn't unreasonable for her to be sold into a brothel. Identifying herself as such gave her a measure of protection.
This character has nothing to do with your agenda, and as someone who enjoys the show, I'd prefer you keep your politics far and away from it.

You say "keep your politics" but what you mean is keeping politics YOU don't like. The difference between gender and sex is a scientific truth, and saying "normal" people implies you think that's not normal. There's no being apolitical in the subject, you either acknowledge its reality or you deny it WHICH IS A POLITICAL STANCE.

It's easier for you to accept a robot has is a girl than a human. Maybe you should ask yourself why.

Oh my the irony.
The answer to this one is simple. Generally speaking, Android's are built with a sex in mind. 9s and 2b were obviously built to be male and female respectively. Blade Runner's characters as well. Most androids in fiction have identifying features, like breasts, or maybe muscle mass, and mannerisms to match. Hell, Dorothy Haze from Va-11 Hall-A is a literal sex worker.
And yes, lady, there is a an apolitical stance. Not necessarily caring about surrounding politics and identifying characters by the most practical and common sense means possible. AKA, how the tagging system is already established, and if it hasn't been tagged yet, relying on the canon.

Sex and Gender are two completely seperate things.

Sex is what your genetics are: Do you have XY, XX chromosomes. In very rare case this doesn't apply to the human but here in Germany we also aknowledge their sex. On Danbooru, they are tagged as "1other" but it also includes genderless persons from Houseki no Kuni (literal gemstones with no clear depicted sex unlike most android we have on Danbooru).
Gender is what you yourself identify as. You can be a girl (sex-wise), but you identify yourself as a boy.

The latter also has tags: Otoko no ko and reverse trap: Astolfo from Fate and Naoto from Persona are prime examples of these tags.

By your logic characters should be tagged based on their looks, Dororo looks like a boy.
And this is not an apolitical stance, your stance is ignoring people's identity. That's as political as it gets.

Robot: *has a necktie on it*
You: that's a boy.
Human: *says he's a boy*
You: that's a girl.

Edit: so we tag fictional characters based on their non-existent chromosomes?
How does that make sense?

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