
how do I get to pages above 2000?

Posted under General

As a Gold-User, you can only search up to 2000 pages as you can see here: help:users
So, you have to be more specific with the tags you´re searching if you want to find stuff from the other 900 pages.


Search up to six tags at once.
Browse up to 2,000 pages in a search.

doublepassman said:

what do id numbers correspond to? I thought it would be age but I did 0..50000 just to see the difference between that and 500000 and it gave me completely different results and only two pages of them

Every single post has its own unique ID number. They've been assigned sequentially since the beginning, so we have post #1, post #2, post #3, and so on. The reason you don't see many results in your pokemon id:0..50000 search is that Pokémon images made up only a tiny fraction of the first 50,000 uploads.