
[REJECTED] Tag implication: fertilization -> impregnation

Posted under Tags

tag implication #9170 fertilization -> impregnation has been rejected.

Reason: This seems like one of those common-sense implications, since if the egg is being fertilized, that generally means the woman is being impregnated. Unless there's some obscure tag conflict with a handful of posts that I've never encountered, this seems logical.

EDIT: This tag implication is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: This tag implication has been rejected because it was not approved within 60 days.

EDIT: The tag implication fertilization -> impregnation (forum #155625) has been rejected by @DanbooruBot.

Updated by DanbooruBot

Hillside_Moose said:

I'm still not seeing much of a difference between the two. Probably should be an alias, if anything.

Yeah, although I say the alias should be impregnation -> fertilization as fertilization is the proper term for that.

The impregnation tag looks like a combination of three things:

  • fertilization shots (closeups of sperm entering an egg)
  • internal cumshots (closeups of cumming in the uterus)
  • Characters talking about getting pregnant (especially talking about safe days or taking responsibility)

These are three distinct tropes and the first two already have their own tags, but the last one doesn't. If fertilization implies impregnation then it follows that internal cumshot should as well, but that leaves no tag for the last one. So I'd suggest creating a tag for the last one (pregnancy talk or something), rename internal cumshot to cum in uterus (to avoid confusion with cum in pussy), and then if we still want an umbrella tag for all three, have them all imply impregnation.

evazion said:

The impregnation tag looks like a combination of three things:

  • fertilization shots (closeups of sperm entering an egg)
  • internal cumshots (closeups of cumming in the uterus)
  • Characters talking about getting pregnant (especially talking about safe days or taking responsibility)

The second one is not the same as cum_in_uterus, and in fact is not related to impregnation at all.
I have no idea why the third part is even a thing or why it could be considered tag-worthy.

WatcherCCG said:

tag implication #9170 fertilization -> impregnation has been rejected.

Reason: This seems like one of those common-sense implications, since if the egg is being fertilized, that generally means the woman is being impregnated. Unless there's some obscure tag conflict with a handful of posts that I've never encountered, this seems logical.

You could have external fertilization, like in a test tube, or for mermaids.

Reversing the implication makes better sense, but the current use case of the impregnation tag doesn't necessarily cover explicit fertilization (as mentioned by Evasion). We'll need to split up the tag like mentioned by Evasion or Fossilnix before we can proceed.

worldendDominator said:

The second one is not the same as cum_in_uterus, and in fact is not related to impregnation at all.
I have no idea why the third part is even a thing or why it could be considered tag-worthy.

Internal cumshot consists almost entirely of cross-sections or x-rays of characters ejaculating directly into the uterus. Many posts under impregnation consist of this. Most of the rest is dialogue about getting pregnant.

You could say these things don't necessarily mean the character actually got pregnant, but even so, that's how the impregnation tag is currently being used. It's all hentai logic anyway, none of it makes any real world sense.

I don't think fertilization should be aliased or implied by impregnation. The fertilization tag refers to a very specific hentai trope. I'm fine with it implying impregnation, but I think other uses of the impregnation tag should be disambiguated.