post #9000000 GET!

Removal of top tagger/uploader name

Posted under General

skylightcrystal said:

The difference with approver name is that there's (currently) no other way to see it, short of searching for that post ID and every approver in the site's history one at a time.

It's in "Moderation" in the History section of the post sidebar

I created a userscript which takes what was done before by @nonamethanks and @evazion and added some additional work to it. The biggest addition though is that it adds the post uploader back to the tooltip popup. With Version 2, top tagger was also added.

Note: This script was transferred to mainline Github (topic #15926) and will no longer be supported after 12 Feb 2019.

Additional items
  • Uploader added to post tooltips
  • Top tagger
    • Includes caching of top tagger
  • Error handling
  • Caching of data
    • Doesn't always go to network
    • Makes the data populate faster
  • Has an update URL
    • Any updates will get get automatically merged
Script link


  • (2019-02-05)
    • Version 1 Initial commit
    • Version 2 Added top tagger <fredgido: Discord, Ars: forum #154473>
      • Added user settings
      • Fixed potential issue with display order
    • Version 3 Fixed post version order for top tagger determination <fredgido: Discord>
      • Mostly affected the oldest posts
  • (2019-02-06)
    • Version 4 Added basic tooltip support <Ars: forum #154473>
    • Version 5 Added top tagger caching


BrokenEagle98 said:

I created a userscript which takes what was done before by @nonamethanks and @evazion and added some additional work to it. The biggest addition though is that it adds the post uploader back to the tooltip popup.

Additional items
  • Uploader added to post tooltips
  • Error handling
  • Caching of data
    • Doesn't always go to network
    • Makes the data populate faster
  • Has an update URL
    • Any updates will get get automatically merged
Script link

Would it be possible to display the top tagger, too? Also, note that the uploader name won't show up in the tooltip if you have advanced tooltips disabled in your user settings.

Ars said:

Would it be possible to display the top tagger, too?

Pushed Version 2 that adds top tagger, which is disabled by default since it requires a lengthy network call.

Settings are now found at (My Account >> Settings >> Userscript Menus), under the script name DisplayPostInfo.

Also, note that the uploader name won't show up in the tooltip if you have advanced tooltips disabled in your user settings.

I'll put that on the to-do list for a future version.

tapnek said:

I suggest giving the userscript it's own thread so people know where to look.

Eh, okay. I put it in this thread and made it a Gist since I thought it would be a one and done, but it's grown a lot more complicated than I expected.

I'll put it in another thread and also start transitioning it to my mainline Github instead.


topic #15926


c933103 said:

But you need to know the name of an uploader before you can search by their names.

Uploaders' names are still easily accessible to everyone; the only thing that's changed is that they aren't presented in the sidebar anymore. If you want to find out who uploaded something, just check the post's tag history, or, if one extra click is too much work, use BrokenEagle98's script to restore the old functionality.

iridescent_slime said:

Uploaders' names are still easily accessible to everyone; the only thing that's changed is that they aren't presented in the sidebar anymore. If you want to find out who uploaded something, just check the post's tag history, or, if one extra click is too much work, use BrokenEagle98's script to restore the old functionality.

It's ok once, twice, thrice.
Do it 100 times to look up who messed (that sounds so negative, but I'M not sure what other word to use here) what upped and giving them advice on how to improve is definitely annoying because you have to go back to the post page if trying to write a (non-bumping) comment for the user.
I seriously don't see how this helps. It won't solve sniping. It's still easy to access the information but it is somehow so much more annoying when trying to give advice the an uploader.

And with advice I don't mean feedbacks, those are a last resort option.


Funnily enough, my only real gripe with this is when looking at images that have parents/children.

Now I don't know if the other image has been uploaded by somebody else (meaning I'm saving the exact same, but inferior version of an image), or if it's part of a set by the same user.


Personally I feel this is a good change. I'd rather the artist take credit for having their work uploaded and potentially being seen by more people than me who's uploading it. It's a bad attitude to take credit for someone else's work anyway and it's not my intention when I'm sharing.

chuck_tesla said:

I'd rather the artist take credit for having their work uploaded and potentially being seen by more people than me who's uploading it. It's a bad attitude to take credit for someone else's work anyway and it's not my intention when I'm sharing.

Agreed, hence my proposition last page about having the artist name take the place of where Top Tagger used to be in the box that pops up whenever you hover over an upload.

chilled_sake said:

may as well remove the approver name as well

chilled_sake said:

On the Moderate page we should remove the uploader name as well

Were either of these taken into consideration? I still support them. For the moderation queue for a bit of a different reason though, which is to remove bias for or against an upload based on the user (or if someone has a script that helps let me know).

I for one see a complete and utter lack of accountability with this change. This change ignores the reality of the basic system. There are two levels. Up-loader and approver. Why is half the equation being removed? Why is half the accountability being removed? I personally am proud that I attempt to consistently raise my bar in both uploads and approvals. The basis on that pride resides in accountability (this is crucial for new up-loaders and approvers)... I like that I can always be called out for a lack of judgement and... have been. That my name be tagged whether it be upload or approval. Without these things, what credibility do I have? Isn't that the whole point of raising the bar here on Danbooru? If you want to talk about bias, talk about artist bias... They have 500 uploads, so I guess this one must be ok.

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