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Removal of top tagger/uploader name

Posted under General

Why are these hidden now? Might as well "conceal" who approved the pic too, if everything has to be so "incognito" now. As petty as it sounds, I still take a lot of time to look for pics to upload, so a little "recognition" doesn't hurt.


Having the uploader's username attached to posts encouraged unproductive, self-serving behaviors among users who were primarily interested in taking all the credit for uploads, which led to a lot of frustration among other contributors. See topic #14857. Removing the uploader's username was intended to curb this sort of behavior. The "Top Tagger" field was supposed to encourage better tagging but apparently albert wasn't satisfied with the result of that experiment, so that got removed too.

Personally, I'm happy with the change. Putting the uploader or top tagger's username in the sidebar along with technical information always seemed sort of weird to me, and now that section looks cleaner. It's also more consistent with the rest of the site; wiki pages and pools don't have their creators' usernames prominently displayed either.

Also, remember that if you want to know who uploaded something, you can still see it in the post's tag history. The information is still there even if it isn't emphasized in the sidebar.

It does however result in the box that pops up whenever you hover over an upload looking like it's lacking something, since now it only shows the time since it was uploaded on the top left in an unbolded and relatively unfitting font size for something that's by itself.

Perhaps adding the artist tag of an upload where the Top Tagger name used to be in that box might make it look better, with "Various Artists" or something of the sort if an upload has more than one artist.


iridescent_slime said:

Having the uploader's username attached to posts encouraged unproductive, self-serving behaviors among users who were primarily interested in taking all the credit for uploads, which led to a lot of frustration among other contributors. See topic #14857. Removing the uploader's username was intended to curb this sort of behavior. The "Top Tagger" field was supposed to encourage better tagging but apparently albert wasn't satisfied with the result of that experiment, so that got removed too.

Personally, I'm happy with the change. Putting the uploader or top tagger's username in the sidebar along with technical information always seemed sort of weird to me, and now that section looks cleaner. It's also more consistent with the rest of the site; wiki pages and pools don't have their creators' usernames prominently displayed either.

Also, remember that if you want to know who uploaded something, you can still see it in the post's tag history. The information is still there even if it isn't emphasized in the sidebar.

Question is why make something invisible that is already on the page.
I say it will achieve absolutely nothing. In the worst case people will even get more ruthless and some may become more inactive now since they aren't even credited for the tagging they did on their uploads.

I think this whole approach was kinda irksome to begin with. Maybe the percentage (2%) of attribution change was to low but it would have been nice to know whether the total amount of tags by upload increased/decreased or didn't change at all. Because if it really did increase then this reversal is really counterproductive.
But I'm not good at running statistics. That should be done by someone else, maybe @nonamethanks if he has time.

CodeKyuubi said:

I feel like one consequence of this change will be that newer uploaders will find it harder to find recognition for quality uploads, and so promotions will likely become slower as a result.

They are hard already. And I don't think anything would help here since we have user reports where you can see everything about an user.

Well, might as well request a userscript to restore the old pre-top tagger/uploader feature if it isn't coming back. Having the uploader's name not only ensured me of quality uploaders, but also of really bad ones I can help and give tips to.

I wish we'd have the option to toggle this in our user settings, at least. I'm really not a fan of site functionality being removed for everyone over the actions of a minority of users. Not everyone finds it useful, sure, but there are a lot of functions on the site that I don't personally use that I know other people would be bothered to see gone.

Kikimaru said:

I find there is a need to search by uploader, so to find bad taggers without having to jump through hoops.

You had to do the same when Top Tagger was active since there was no guarantee the name there was the uploader.

Kikimaru said:

I find there is a need to search by uploader, so to find bad taggers without having to jump through hoops.

Searching by uploader wasn’t removed. user:Kikimaru works just fine. (Unless you missed a comma after “taggers” and that wasn’t actually your issue.)

In my opinion it has gotten pretty obstructive to look up if a post for example is from a self-uploader.
Clicking the link everytime adds up time real quick and it's super annoying when you know the name could just be there on the normal page.

Good thing the Top Tagger was usually always the uploader as well....

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