BrokenEagle98 said:
Found an interesting error recently. artist #168452 was created which begins with a "<" and ends with a ">", so when it gets rendered in page the HTML thinks it's an HTML tag so it doesn't show up on the screen. I'm not sure such tag names should even be allowed, but for now at least it seems like they can be created.
But "<" and ">" are ASCII characters like !@#$%^&*()_+-='";:/\[]{}|`~.
coredumperror said:
Pixiv updated their UI (quite radically, this time), and this script broke again. It still works fine on the Add Bookmark page, but it doesn't work at all on the main page for the artwork.
I tried to look into how things had changed, to hopefully figure out a fix. But it looks like Pixiv now uses these mangled CSS classes that I can't figure out at all. :(
Now I also see new UI of the /member_illust.php
Queries "aside > section > div > div > a" and "figcaption footer a" works nice though they doesn't contains any id ┐( ̄ヘ ̄;)┌
Also, before you run the queries, you must wait until the content is added.