post #9000000 GET!

Question about the hetero tag, when it's just a penis.

Posted under Tags

As the title suggest, when in the image, only a penis is present as a representative of the male genitalia - under the |tag what you see| idea, i usually don't see why we should add the "1boy hetero" combo.

Though, in some cases you can gather from the image that the other person is supposed to be male, (post #3333301 for instance prob has the admiral) in most cases, it can just be a penis, or a futa, or a monster, it doesn't really matter since they are not actually present in the image, just the penis.

In the case of a disembodied penis especially, considering the fantastical elements of anime/manga, it can be just a penis with no person attached, as far as the "lore" of the image is concerned, and for tagging purposes.

This has been a topic particularly interesting to me because people keep re-adding those tags on some of my tagged images, so i wanted to get a feel for what the community thinks.

Tag what you see means "don't tag based on outside knowledge". It doesn't mean you can't make reasonable assumptions about what you see inside an image. If all you see is a disembodied penis, the most reasonable assumption is that it belongs to a guy.

Otherwise it means things like post #535307 (very NSFW) can't be tagged as yaoi, because hey, we can't see who the penis is attached to, maybe it could be a girl penis. No, you tag what you see, and based on what you see in this image it's yaoi.

It follows that if 1boy + disembodied penis is yaoi, then 1girl + disembodied penis is hetero. Hetero and yaoi should be tagged the same way.

As for whether a disembodied penis is enough to count as 1boy, that's more debatable. I lean towards yes, because not doing so leads to counterintuitive situations, like searching for 1girl 1boy and finding gangbangs instead.

I'm with evazion for most of what he says. About tagging disembodied penis with 1boy I'm unsure, when I went through all "sex hetero" posts to tag up boys on them I skipped the ones where it was just a disembodied penis because I thought people didn't want to see that while searching for boys, so I saved it in a fav group instead. If anyone wants to go trough it to tag it up they are welcome to.


evazion said:

Tag what you see means "don't tag based on outside knowledge". It doesn't mean you can't make reasonable assumptions about what you see inside an image. If all you see is a disembodied penis, the most reasonable assumption is that it belongs to a guy.

Yes, that's what i meant with the post #3333301 example.

My main issue was for images where the artist clearly intended to represent just a dick having intercourse with a girl, with no thought given to what, if anything that dick would be attached to, but i do see where both of you are coming from.

As an idea, even the disembodied situation, it is meant to represent a type of hetero sex. It would be reasonable then to tag that type of situation hetero and, yaoi in the case of the person receiving the dick being male. As long as it's not known within the context of the image that the out-of-frame person is a futa, or the penis is some sort of magical entity/device.

For the last part i'm more on Unbreakable's side. Unless other *boys are present in the image, even now, i wouldn't tag *boy when it's just floating dicks. You wouldn't end up with the 1girl+1boy=gangband scenario then either, mostly 1girl+solo_focus... even when both of them are being gangbanged.
When the character is just out of frame, yes. As evasion said, it's reasonable to assume it's a representation of a male.

Thanks all.

1other was originally meant for genderless characters like Houseki no Kuni gems, Frisk from Undertale, or Nanachi from Made in Abyss (topic #14784). It was meant for "I can see this character's face and full body and still can't tag them 1girl or 1boy, because they're neither". Now it's been turned into this thing where every off-screen hentai guy is considered 1other unless you can literally see their dick. And now even that's not enough, we're supposed to check their imaginary chromosomes first or some shit.

The point of "tag what you see" is that tagging is what you see is what you get. You search hetero and get things that look hetero. When you're skimming through thousands of images on Danbooru, you don't see the hidden backstory behind each image, all you care about is what you see in the image itself.