
What to do with lower resolution revisions

Posted under General

post #2879698 and post #2884735 (Twitter post and Pixiv post of the same image, respectively) were uploaded more than a year ago and both are 1300x1700. Then last month a revision was uploaded here as post #3324754 from a new Twitter post. There are pretty obvious changes, but its resolution is only 918x1200. How should these posts be parented? Currently the newer Twitter post is parented to the older Twitter post, which is parented to the Pixiv post (which has not been revised in place).


nonamethanks said:

In this case it depends on whether that change in resolution counts as a bad revision. I wouldn't tag it as such but I'd still make it child rather than parent.

Well the bad revision wikis states "Images that use this tag should also have some amount of visual identity or sameness, and this should not be tagged on images that are actual revisions even if they are smaller resolution" which is pretty clear imo.