Tagging in Danbooru is more detailed than many image boards. Each uploader is expected to submit at least 10 tags, artist and series included. So asking others to do the work doesn't go over well here.
Posted under General
teacapo said:
Yande.re's content is a lot more desirable than half of the stuff getting approved here. I see that it clearly frustrates you for whatever reason.
Not frustrated, just extremely baffled at how anyone could possibly think your proposal could be anything other than detrimental to this site. The biggest thing distinguishing Danbooru from other 'boorus is our insistence on meticulous tagging that makes our gallery dramatically easier to search than any other. Compare the way we do things (post #3322156 and post #3327517) to the competition (https://yande.re/post/show/495818 and https://yande.re/post/show/496309) and you'll see that there really is no comparison. Yande.re users absolutely suck at tagging, and nobody there seems to care.
Your suggestion would have us throw that distinguishing factor out the window in favor of automatically dumping images into the gallery with minimal or zero tags, an action that would get anyone banned if they tried doing it manually. Yande.re is packed with poorly tagged images (about twenty thousand tagged tagme, lol) that would have to be manually fixed if uploaded here. This is a ton of work that not a lot of people have the time or patience to do, so don't act surprised if you can't find an army of volunteers who want to step up and do it all for you.
Make no mistake, I'm not questioning the fact that there is a respectable amount of good artwork on Yande.re that could be cross-posted here. The point is, it would have to be done the right way, with thorough tagging, checking against duplicates, filtering out rule-breaking content, etc. Oh, and don't forget that linking to the original source is required for anything that isn't a scan. Are you aware of a bot that can do all that? Didn't think so.
If, after reading all that, you still want to see thousands more images uploaded here from other reposting sites, then I'll say it again: go ahead and upload them. You're more than welcome to do so provided that you're willing to make the effort to do it properly. But given that your ideas thus far have revolved around doing things in the laziest way possible (using a bot to automate uploads, letting "the community" deal with the fallout for you), I've got a feeling you won't.
iridescent_slime said:
The point is, it would have to be done the right way, with thorough tagging, checking against duplicates, filtering out rule-breaking content, etc. Oh, and don't forget that linking to the original source is required for anything that isn't a scan. Are you aware of a bot that can do all that? Didn't think so.
Truth be told, all save for the thorough tagging could be easily done with a bot by cross-referencing with IQDB (for duplicates) and comparing links (for banned artists), and the original source is already provided by the yande.re api. In fact I already have such a bot for when I'm bored of my pixiv/twitter feeds.
But yeah the real problem is the tagging and the quality filtering, both things that require human action and both things that are an integral part of danbooru's gallery. Automatic uploading is a terrible idea for a site like this.
nonamethanks said:
...and the original source is already provided by the yande.re api.
I don't know about you, but about 99.9% of the posts I upload from Yandere have no source. They're probably from Exhentai, but I leave them as Yandere as it's much easier to check if they're samples from Yandere rather than the forever ban-happy Exhentai.
BrokenEagle98 said:
I don't know about you, but about 99.9% of the posts I upload from Yandere have no source. They're probably from Exhentai, but I leave them as Yandere as it's much easier to check if they're samples from Yandere rather than the forever ban-happy Exhentai.
Well, that's a different problem. Even here on Danbooru people just put the doujinshi title instead of the exhentai source when uploading from that site.
teacapo said:
Most (if not all) of the images on Yande.re are suitable for Danbooru.
I don't think shit tier scans loaded with scanner artifacts are worthy. It takes time to properly clean them, and a lot of scanner soft messes with the color or applies a retarded blur filter.
We have too many images like that already.
Then there's the people using auto color on purpose, etc...
Then there's the fact that yande.re has the absolute worst tagging I've seen of any booru. Just manually upload stuff from there if it makes the cut.
nonamethanks said:
Well, that's a different problem. Even here on Danbooru people just put the doujinshi title instead of the exhentai source when uploading from that site.
I rarely upload from ex, but now I know what to do since linking a downscaled image and posting the fullsize download will just set off mismatch alarms. And I just upload a few high resolution color images that I think might pass, not the entire book.