post #9000000 GET!

Standardization of text-only "Imageboard" sources

Posted under General

Sometimes on Danbooru, one could stumble upon text-only non-web sources that, in their most basic form, would merely say "Imageboard"/"Image board" and any variation on those two (including the capitalization of the letters), the latter more common in older posts as a result of the site itself having previously rewritten image links from imageboards to the text-only variant (forum #122820). While it is agreeable that there is little information that could be derived from these sources specifically, their site of origin expunged from the records (at least, I think so), there are many posts on the site itself that eschew the word entirely and instead just mention what site they are from.

With the inconsistency of those text-only sources, not only in style but also in information provided (in some cases, having relevant source info in the comments instead), I decided to take it upon myself, both as good practice and just to make things more convenient for those few folks searching "source:Imageboard", to go through these text-only sources and standardize them personally (akin to my previous efforts going through the "with_sound" tags, especially Flash posts).

In essence, I had chosen to have the base of the standardized form be "Imageboard", being the most common form of the word nowadays. Added to it, in parentheses, would firstly be the site that it had originated from (ex. 4chan); then, if mentioned in either the original written source itself or the comments, it would be followed by the board it was taken from (ex. /a/); and then, if the thread name/type/general is mentioned or any other details, then it comes last (ex. Drawfag threads). If the image is derived from an archive site, or possibly comes from multiple sites (somehow), yet doesn't include the post of origin as its source, then it is added last (e.g. 4chan / 4chanarchives). A complete example would thus, for instance, be "Imageboard (4chan, /a/ - Drawfag threads / 4chanarchives)".

Doing this gave me the following text-only sources:

  • Futaba (Oekaki, Rakugaki)
  • 4chan (/a/ [Drawfag threads, /a/non scanlations], /tg/, /w/, /wg/, /u/, /v/, /vg/ [/nepgen/], /d/, /jp/, /cm/, /b/, /m/, /k/, /pol/, /e/, /i/ [pakuri of Viper] - drawfriend / 4chanarchives)
  • Wakachan
  • 4chon
  • / (/b/, /gf/, /o/, /to/)
  • fchan
  • Uboachan
  • 7chan (/fl/, /fur/)
  • Desuchan
  • Gurochan (/f/, /g/)
  • Kuvalauta
  • Apokalauta
    • And as extra, the Textboard base form was also introduced, currently only used by 2ch, in the same manner as the Imageboard sources.

It wasn't until I began working from the earliest "Image board" posts that I was informed about its commonality in use as a result of Danbooru previously rewriting sources, and so I stopped the moment I finished the posts prior to March of 2008, because I realized the sheer volume of posts would be too much for me to handle. It was suggested to me by @chinatsu to make a thread regarding my efforts up to this point, not only for feedback but possibly to see if we could get this properly standardized and formalized across the site (though if these was some way to identify the original sites of origin for "Image board" posts all these years later, then that would just be great).