紫希貴 said:
This is a coincidence, right...?
Y-yeah, just like the raikou server popping up right at the time when albert was retweeting F/GO nonstop on twitter. Just a coincidence...
Posted under General
CodeKyuubi said:
I don't get it.
shima_rin & kagamihara_nadeshiko. Anime from two seasons ago.
Before, it was Sonohara Anri and Hijiribe Ruri
DeltaNeochan said:
The website can't load the images like
said "404 Not Found" page from this server. Is the server down?
Come on, man...
topic #15640
topic #15566
Is this where we report missing data and such? Dunno if releated with server migration, but image and "sample" thumbnail are gone for the post #2909621
Edit: oh, I see