Does anyone have suggestions for an image grabbing program that can download faster than clicking the download button for each image?
The past year or so I have been out of country on business in a place where I had no internet access the entire time, and during that time I had a close friend live in my house and take care of a few things. Unfortunately one of those days she accidentally bumped into a gridwall shelf and somehow one of the hard drives which contained my anime pictures and it fell out of its box and onto the ground. Now it has the click of death. Normally I wouldn’t be concerned as I have duplicates of all my backups on a different property, but I didn’t consider my entertainment to be critical information and so I don’t have a secondary backup. It also isn’t important enough for me to send it to data recovery services either, especially since I am kind of a “completonist” in that I want a comprehensive collection of anime themed images I like. A fragment recovery isn’t what I am looking for. I play the images onto digital photo frames throughout my house so I do have a good portion of my original collection saved on those SD cards, but I would like to restore my entire collection completely if possible. I figure I have to catch up with over a year of danbooru and pixiv images anyways, so this is as good time as ever for such a mistake to be made and take the opportunity to improve my system.
Luckily I saved all the links of my favorite sources as well as the artists I like and noted the day I was last up to date, so it isn’t too big of a deal figuring out the backtracking, but going through the tens of thousands of images and saving manually sounds like an unreasonably long task considering I got into anime image collecting 12 years ago. Do any of you have experience with any image grabbing programs or google chrome extensions? Something that would let me download an entire tag would be great since the “gun” tag and some of my favorite characters here I saved almost every image (although I’m not sure if that would be too taxing on danbooru. I have no idea how this website is funded or setup despite lurking and being an active member for a few years). The key is I would like a program with perfect fidelity as I have previously used “fatkun” and “danbooru downloader” but I found that they can occasionally miss images which is frustrating, if not impossible to detect the error if you aren’t counting images
As a related question, how do you guys organize your consumption of anime images? The way I do it is to save the artist page in bookmark and add a date of the last image in that category I viewed/downloaded so I know where I am. I do the same thing for each pool I read. Any image with translations I like I favorite, while those I want to view in my house I download and export it to an SD card. My downloaded images I categorize in folders by series (if original then by main tag I am interested in) and then by character (if multiple characters present, then whichever appears to be the main focus in the image).
Long post, but any comments or suggestions is greatly appreciated. The loss was depressing enough that I haven’t been looking at image boards for at least a month after coming back. Especially if you have a more efficient method that you use I am all ears. This is the best time as any to improve my system.