
Tumblr removed access to RAW images (and why you should care)

Posted under General

In case you didn't know for a long time there was a URL hack that allowed us to grab the highest-quality images from Tumblr. We called these "raw" images specifically because the URL hack involved changing the "1280" number at the end of an image's URL to "raw". I'm sure any veteran uploader knows this.

Well now that access has been suddenly and unceremoniously can test it yourself by going to this link:

Access denied...this means every image from Tumblr will be capped at 1280x1920 and compressed...meaning a good amount of the images you see on this site will probably have a significant drop in quality.

I encourage everyone to make tickets to Tumblr support asking them to bring back RAW images:

Also like/reblog this post:

Thanks, and hopefully we can bring back RAW images if they see enough people care!

Already made a ticket two days ago. Their response was the generic "it's gone because it's gone, we don't give a shit about your opinion".


Thank you for taking the time to let me know your thoughts about downloading raw image files.

Your suggestions and feedback help to guide us as we make additions and improvements to Tumblr. I’ll make sure to pass them along to our engineering team.

Let me know if you think of anything else to add!

Thanks again,

Tumblr Community Support

OOZ662 said:

Getting a bit closer to the common Twitter JPEG post, at least.

Not really the same thing. Twitter recompresses all images to a lower quality JPEG with a maximum width and height of 2048px or 4096px. Tumblr generally keeps the file format the same and recompresses JPEGs with a higher quality setting than Twitter but with a maximum width of 1280px and a maximum height of 1920px.

pc88 said:

That entire thread and the possible culmination that it lead to screwing over all the users on Tumblr really couldn't have made me dislike Patreon artists even more then I do already.

Let's not imply hating on sub-minimum wage artists is the moral thing to do here. This guy was petty in a way I've never seen before, especially since he could've just solved his problem by resizing his images before uploading...

Unfortunately for us, I don't think many people will notice or care. I browse Tumblr a decent amount and still have never heard of grabbing raw uploads outside this website. Not even any of the guides I read about the site's compression mentioned it.

tapnek said:

Not really the same thing. Twitter recompresses all images to a lower quality JPEG with a maximum width and height of 2048px or 4096px. Tumblr generally keeps the file format the same and recompresses JPEGs with a higher quality setting than Twitter but with a maximum width of 1280px and a maximum height of 1920px.

Different forms of feces made from different methods are all still feces.

I just finished dropping off this suggestion to Tumblr support.

Simple (ok, for me), just like DA and Flickr, give the account holder the ability to allow or forbid access to the full uncompressed image.

I'll see if they'll go along with it.

g3gen said:

I just finished dropping off this suggestion to Tumblr support.

Simple (ok, for me), just like DA and Flickr, give the account holder the ability to allow or forbid access to the full uncompressed image.

I'll see if they'll go along with it.

Knowing Tumblr, they'd probably hide such a setting in a clusterfuck of submenus and have it turned off by default.

However, in spite of the overwhelming probability your suggestion won't do anything at all (or even be received by a real person) I still wish it the best of luck.

I did get a reply from "Chris" who works at Tumblr and thinks it's a good idea.

"Thanks for taking the time to contact us about RAW images. This format is no longer supported on Tumblr but I like your idea about letting the creator of the image decide whether to to make this format available or not. I'll forward your email to our product and engineering team as a feature request. Your suggestions and feedback help to guide us as we make additions and improvements to Tumblr."

"We collect all feature suggestions and feature requests and pass these on to our product and engineering team who make the final decisions on which features to integrate (and at times, bring back). Please note that due to limited resources (we are a very small team), we are not able to reach out to users individually about feature requests. However, I recommend following our Staff, engineering blog and support blog to stay in the loop of the latest developments. Have a great weekend :)!"

So, did get an answer. Now we'll see if it is approved.

Sideswipe said:

So have people just stopped caring about this? No one's figured out any other loophole or anything? Just "settle for low quality"?

There's nothing any of us can do. Multiple people (including artists) have contacted them back when they changed it, but if Tumblr doesn't want to make them available because of bandwidth concerns or other reasons there's nothing any of us can do to make them change their mind.