I would like condense the sticky threads into one readable chunk. Post in this topic if you have any other suggestions but I'd like to keep this to two screenfuls.
- Read the Terms of Service.
- Read the other Rules and Guidelines located on the wiki home page. Note the prohibition against spoilers in the wiki.
- If you have questions, either post in the forum (best) or contact a mod or administrator.
- However, the forum is to be used for issues related to Danbooru itself and/or its use. Do not use the forums for image request threads or topics unrelated to Danbooru.
- Mark your spoilers with spoiler tags (see this ).
- You should read this thread for some tagging etiquette.
- You are welcome to submit bug reports on the forum but try and submit them to Github as well. You should post drastic feature requests on the forum to get feedback.
Updated by evazion