
Sources on Tumblr

Posted under General

For sources sending to or received from Tumblr blogs, can we not use direct image links (links like that send to only an image)? Linking the post on the artist's blog where the image is directly feels better in my opinion, as if you want to find the artist from the source and the artist's page, you're already on it by clicking the "Source" link here on Danbooru. The way I see most people linking to just direct images seems round about as if you wanted to find an image's artist who is on Tumblr, you'd have to back out, go to Tumblr and search their artist handle and hope they go by it on there (maybe they use different handles for different sites). Or go to the artist's page on here and then hope a link to their Tumblr page is on there and that it's up to date. That seems very round about, doesn't it? Sources for Pixiv artists usually link to a page where you can go directly to viewing the artist's entire profile. The main idea I'm having is that linking to just the image makes following (or like contacting for commissioning info or something) that specific artist on those platforms that much more difficult, especially if they use multiple pseudonyms.

The way you're suggesting is already how it's preferred... people just ignore it. Or perhaps it's not clear enough, since you apparently misinterpreted it.

Pixiv is a special case because the illust page can be figured out automatically from the image link. For sites like Tumblr and Twitter the source should be changed to the post or tweet URL after upload. I've actually got a script in forum #105949 to fix them by brute force if you see an artist with a bunch that were left pointing to the image.

Setting the correct source is the responsibility of the uploader. If the uploader uses the upload bookmarklet then Danbooru will fix the source to the right thing automatically. If they don't, then it's up to them to fix it manually, and some people don't always do that.

If an uploader doesn't fix their sources then they should be yelled at gently shown the right way.