How do I search for all posts before a particular year, month and day?
Posted under General
You can search by age range: age:6mo...100y returns all posts older than six months, for instance. More search tools can be found at help:cheatsheet.
iridescent_slime said:
You can search by age range: age:6mo...100y returns all posts older than six months, for instance. More search tools can be found at help:cheatsheet.
I think it’s only two dots and you can leave one end of the range open: age:6mo.. find everything older than 6 months and shows the newest first.
Also (adapted) from the cheatsheet:
date:..2007-12-31 finds all posts uploaded before new year’s eve 2007 00:00 (thus excluding that day) and shows the newest (closest to that date) first.
date:2010-12-31.. order:id finds all posts uploaded after new year’s eve 2010 00:00 (thus including that day) and shows the oldest (closest to that date) first.