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[REJECTED] cheating_(competitive) -> cheating_(tactic)

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mass update cheating_(competitive) -> cheating_(tactic)

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Covers a broader range of this unfair tactic since it's not exclusive to competitive situations, like football and card games.

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kittey said:

It’s qualified with “competitive” to distinguish it from cheating in the relationship sense. Cheating in a relationship could be considered a tactic, depending on the goal of the cheater.

Although true, "competitive" is more of a misnomer since that kind of cheating isn't always used in a competitive sense.

iridescent_slime said:

I'm ambivalent about this. On the one hand, there are examples of "cheating" (e.g. post #531760, post #1235790, post #2294603) that are hardly "competitive" according to the usual definition, that is, multiple parties opposing each other in a contest where not everyone can be victorious. On the other hand, I feel like hand-wringing over semantics isn't very productive when the meaning is clear either way.

All of the examples above could be thought of as competing in one way or another.

In all of the above examples, the person is also competing against themselves, and so in effect they are also cheating against themselves.

BrokenEagle98 said:

All of the examples above could be thought of as competing in one way or another.

In all of the above examples, the person is also competing against themselves, and so in effect they are also cheating against themselves.

And cheating in a relationship could be considered cheating in the competition for love. Still just a matter of semantics.

I'd rename it to cheating_(non-relational) to clearly state that it doesn't include infidelity.

JoesT said:

And cheating in a relationship could be considered cheating in the competition for love. Still just a matter of semantics.

The two are not the same at all. There is of course cheating to win at love such as in love triangles, but that is nowhere near the same as cheating in relationships. Cheating (competitive) implies gaining an unfair advantage in something, whereas cheating (relationship) implies being unfaithful in a committed relationship. This is the case of the same word meaning two separate things.