post #9000000 GET!

Artist tagging help

Posted under General

I'll take a try.

忍猫 said:
post #370146 / post #370136 / post #370135

Morikawa_Halu or Morikawa_Haru , they seem use the Halu one

post #370144

Eichi_(kaitou2007) (second name taken from their staccfeed)

忍猫 said:
post #370485

Musasabi_Shirou (name taken from homepage) (other name M_Shirou)

忍猫 said:

post #753298

Sakuya_(kurenai-cat) (second name taken from their staccfeed) (doesn't need a qualifier but it's a common name so just in case)

I just uploaded post #3146496, but when I tried creating an artists tag it already existed.
Google translates the artist's name as "Chiro", but that artist tag already exists. I couldn't find any alternative names to add in parenthesis.
I went to look at the wiki for the artist who currently has the chiro tag. There are some alternative names there that could be added to that artist's tag, however I don't dare edit an existing artist tag, if it's even possible for me to do...

Kapten-N said:

I just uploaded post #3146496, but when I tried creating an artists tag it already existed.
Google translates the artist's name as "Chiro", but that artist tag already exists. I couldn't find any alternative names to add in parenthesis.
I went to look at the wiki for the artist who currently has the chiro tag. There are some alternative names there that could be added to that artist's tag, however I don't dare edit an existing artist tag, if it's even possible for me to do...

You can use chiro_(user_qgp7965), pixiv nickname (pixiv stacc).