
Artistic Nude pool cleanup

Posted under General

Browsing the Artistic Nude pool recently, I've noticed a distinct increase in posts with overtly sexual overtones (e.g. post #3047835, post #620200, post #3082884; compare these with the results on the first page). Many of these are "artistic" in the sense that they're well-rendered, but they clearly defeat the intended purpose of the pool, which is to show the beauty of the subject in a non-sexualized way.

I'm thinking of running a cleanup later, but first I'd like some opinions - should there be explicit guidelines on what is considered too pornographic to add in the pool, or is "you'll know it when you see it" enough? Particularly, should we take sources into account (e.g. eroge, paid reward nude versions), or should we judge images strictly by their content?

tapnek said:

What's the distinction between the Casual Nudity pool and the Artistic Nude pool?

Casual Nudity involves characters that don't view their own nudity as sexual, but the pictures themselves may have sexual or otherwise lowbrow overtones regardless.
Artistic Nude involves drawings of nude characters in which aesthetic beauty is the overall goal.
The two pools have some overlap, but they're generally distinct.

Casual: post #801525
Artistic: post #825975
Casual and Artistic: post #331735

Nudity is a given. 'Artistic' and 'Casual' are qualifiers that in general speak for themselves.

I'm certainly not sure that classical artistic nudes, whether Bouguereau or Etty ever completely achieved non-sexualization of the model --- for either the painter or the viewer.

And I never ascribe feelings or desires to images myself. Images are either valid or prurient.

Mucking about in old pools is noisome since it destroys stability and devalues the sureness of the museum. If you only want reductionism you could just have a single tag for 98% of the images: 'Girl'.

Claverhouse said:

Nudity is a given. 'Artistic' and 'Casual' are qualifiers that in general speak for themselves.

Feel free to come up with an objective definition that everyone can agree with. Until then, we're stuck with subjective definitions for collection pools.

BTW we don't have a grandfather clause.