
[Bulk] Military Organizations

Posted under Tags

Besides the above, should we also create the umbrella tag Japan Self-Defense Force. Additionally, should these tags imply military? If an umbrella term does get created, then it could be implied to military directly, otherwise we could create 3 separate implications.

create alias jasdf -> japan_air_self-defense_force
create alias jmsdf -> japan_maritime_self-defense_force
create implication japan_air_self-defense_force -> japan_self-defense_force
create implication japan_maritime_self-defense_force -> japan_self-defense_force
create implication japan_ground_self-defense_force -> japan_self-defense_force
create implication japan_self-defense_force -> military

Link to request

EDIT: This bulk update request is pending automatic rejection in 5 days.

EDIT: The bulk update request #1623 (forum #146265) has been approved by @Hillside_Moose.

Updated by DanbooruBot