
[bulk] Bug with tag "shantae"

Posted under Tags

When a character and a series share the same name the series gets the base tag, the character gets tagged x_(character) so cosplays would be x_(character)_(cosplay) it's been this way for years.

Looks like brokeneagle is running a script to autoadd the base tags but clearly it isn't foolproof. This is part of why I moderated the cosplay tags manually for 4 years until I burned out on it.

I'm not sure why Shantae is qualified as (series) in this particular case. Oh, this is an odd one, shantae should probably be base tag as character in this case.

Log said:

When a character and a series share the same name the series gets the base tag, the character gets tagged x_(character) so cosplays would be x_(character)_(cosplay) it's been this way for years.

Looks like brokeneagle is running a script to autoadd the base tags but clearly it isn't foolproof. This is part of why I moderated the cosplay tags manually for 4 years until I burned out on it.

I'm not sure why Shantae is qualified as (series) in this particular case. Oh, this is an odd one, shantae should probably be base tag as character in this case.

forum #13027

The *_(cosplay) autotag was a response to an enormous amount of pictures missing the cosplay tag, which significantly hampered certain tag gardening efforts (and searches in general), such as topic #13313, due to the limitations of danbooru's wildcard search.

The discussion was done in topic #13367, and nobody objected at the time.

Not exactly a bug, but I have encountered an unthought of situation in regards to the *_(cosplay) tag. Whenever a character tag gets renamed, either manually or through an alias, it does not rename the corresponding *_(cosplay) tag.

In either case, it adds a tag that should not be added whenever the post gets updated. In the latter case, it adds the consequent to an alias, a tag that can not otherwise normally be added, and that can only be searched with with the raw addon.

Example of this:

Perhaps it could be automated? Automatically create a antecedent_(cosplay) -> consequent_(cosplay) update job for aliases/mass updates if the antecedent is a character tag? (or make it a checkbox, perhaps, given the code seems to not look at the tag category for BURs)
