If there's only half a dozen posts and you're the only one who has used the tag just use a tag script and remake the wiki page.
-dourakuya_honpo hetano_yokoduki
Posted under General
Hate to stir up this hornets' nest, but should that be hetano yokozuki?
Um... how? All his images are signed Hetano_Yokoduki.
In English.
See post #391017, post #328065, post #391022, post #391036
Is it just a spelling/translation issue?
Deep breath...
On danbooru we reromanize names which have an apparently Japanese origin in a fashion more suitable to our awesome sensibilities, while leaving the romanization of names whose origins are non-Japanese or unknown to be determined by general consensus among the denizens of the English-speaking world, or by a romanization issued by the originators of the name themselves, barring cases in which such official romanizations or consensus-based romanizations run too much against the grain of our aforementioned awesome sensibilities, in which situation we must rely upon highly methodical and logical reasoning processes to determine the one most suitable and fitting romanization for the name in question.
At least, that seems to be our policy.
Eh, I just tagged hetano_yokoduki as an alias of hetano_yokozuki.
Crisis averted.