What it covers
- How to get notifications from Pixiv, Seiga, Nijie, Tumblr among other websites
- How to view, save, and/or upload older versions of submissions (that have been revised) or deleted submissions on pixiv
- How to view hotlinked images on pixiv. Related to the above.
- How to sort through uploads quickly (which posts are or aren't upped yet without manually checking). You can check about:userscripts for them.
- How to detect source mismatches and revisions (quickly)
- How to tag quickly
- How to abuse the upload page
I've also included a modification to Mango's script that also allows for the special highlighting and checking of source mismatches. It also has logic for multi-image submissions and accounts for the bad revision tag. Here are some screenshots of what it looks like: Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2. Purple indicates mismatch, orange indicates bad revision. Of course, you can code and modify it yourself, perhaps to even improve on it.
If you want to view this guide and also get the updated script, you must join my Discord. The invite code is: hvtWqzr. If you don't have discord yet, go get it here, and click the little + sign, and paste that code in as an invite code.
Requirements to become a fully privileged member in my discord:
- Mikaeri likes your performance and your attitude.
That's it. Anyone can join, but you'll have probably better chances if you show to me you're friendly, aspiring, and willing to help out the gallery as a whole without throwing anyone else under the bus. If you have questions, do contact @nonamethanks or @Unbreakable, as they are both mods in my server.
If you want to confirm your discord username with me or them (so you can view all the channels and resources), go ahead and pop me a Dmail, let me skim your account for a bit, and I'll decide then and there how you can see the rest.
In the meantime, I'll be around to answer any questions people have regarding this... "thing" I'm doing. I also have ideas for other threads, such as a upload request thread (where approvers and users with unrestricted uploads post content for others to tag and upload for them when they might not be able to get to it), or a more general "upload advice" thread than the one we have that basically gives feedback about deleted uploads.
That's it from me. Happy uploading, and throw out any ideas you have if you have any. I do want to see the uploading scene improve right now, and I think it's been too long since anyone's really "shared" their uploading trade secrets in such a public setting.
EDIT: My guide is now private. The old guide is outdated while the new one isn't, but the new guide will remain private indefinitely unless a solution to the credit-whoring situation is something I'm satisfied with. See topic #14857.
Not to mention sweeping changes to pixiv's interface is making me concerned over the health of both site notifications, scripts, and the availability and accessibility of the site API. So it's probably better, in the larger scheme of things, to just keep these sort of things under wraps.
If you would like to join my private discord, then see the above requirements.