post #9000000 GET!

Missing image files

Posted under Bugs & Features

Since the website went down (yesterday/today) for maint. it MESSED EVERYTHING up.

I'm sure the admin is aware, but is waiting for the next "scheduled maint". Dunno what they changed, but it won't load any images.... 75...85% of the time

For those who are using Chrome, you can disable the cache by using the developer tools by pressing F12, click Network and click Disable cache to view posts that have low resolutions or missing resized images as Ctrl-F5 or Shift-F5 no longer works after a number of updates to this browser.

As for Internet Explorer, you can disable the cache by clicking Tools, click Internet options, leave the current tab at General, click Settings at Browser settings, click Caches and databases and click the Allow website caches and databases checkbox to uncheck it and disable caching.

Unfortunately for Microsoft Edge, clearing the entire cache is the only option.

sammyG said:

For those who are using Chrome, you can disable the cache by using the developer tools by pressing F12, click Network and click Disable cache to view posts that have low resolutions or missing resized images as Ctrl-F5 or Shift-F5 no longer works after a number of updates to this browser.

As for Internet Explorer, you can disable the cache by clicking Tools, click Internet options, leave the current tab at General, click Settings at Browser settings, click Caches and databases and click the Allow website caches and databases checkbox to uncheck it and disable caching.

Unfortunately for Microsoft Edge, clearing the entire cache is the only option.

F12 works for Firefox too...but still won't load images, if they refuse to tap that F5, or wait and load more images in tabs while browsing then tap F5 to see if it loads a min later.

darkwarlord said:

F12 works for Firefox too...but still won't load images, if they refuse to tap that F5, or wait and load more images in tabs while browsing then tap F5 to see if it loads a min later.

I always use Chrome for Danbooru (safe mode), so I can only use the developer tools to disable caching. I'll never ever use Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge if I'm using Windows 10 to browse this site because of problems like this.

It's happening to me with random images. Trying to load the image leads to a 404 error!

However, trying with Ctrl+F5 (Seamonkey user here) works.

After peeking a bit with the developer tools, looks like the main site is giving out wrong URLs for images. For example, this one:

- Before Ctrl+F5: (404 Not Found)
- After Ctrl+F5: (200 OK)

For whatever reason, the thing is injecting a "/images" part on the URL path.

dilworks said:

It's happening to me with random images. Trying to load the image leads to a 404 error!

However, trying with Ctrl+F5 (Seamonkey user here) works.

After peeking a bit with the developer tools, looks like the main site is giving out wrong URLs for images. For example, this one:

- Before Ctrl+F5: (404 Not Found)
- After Ctrl+F5: (200 OK)

For whatever reason, the thing is injecting a "/images" part on the URL path.

Yeah, after viewing the loads
<section itemscope itemtype="" id="image-container">
text lots of it
<img width="xxx" height="xxx" id="image" data-original-width="xxx" more text.... etc

culprit = src="/images/data/" />


sammyG said:

For those who are using Chrome, you can disable the cache by using the developer tools by pressing F12, click Network and click Disable cache to view posts that have low resolutions or missing resized images as Ctrl-F5 or Shift-F5 no longer works after a number of updates to this browser.

As for Internet Explorer, you can disable the cache by clicking Tools, click Internet options, leave the current tab at General, click Settings at Browser settings, click Caches and databases and click the Allow website caches and databases checkbox to uncheck it and disable caching.

Please don’t hand out suggestions to cripple other users’ browsers to “fix” a temporary issue. Most users will forget to revert those settings, leaving their browsers in the crippled state. Disabling the cache means that when re-visiting a page – sometimes even when hitting the Back button – everything is loaded again from the server. Firstly, this makes the site load slower, needlessly annoying the user. Secondly, it wastes a lot of traffic, which is costly for the server operator and users on metered connections. Both applies not only to Danbooru but every site the user visits.

Edit by popular demand: In this case, all we can do is wait for Albert to fix it.


kittey said:

Please don’t hand out suggestions to cripple other users’ browsers to “fix” a temporary issue. Most users won’t revert those settings, leaving their browsers in the crippled state. Disabling the cache means that when re-visiting a page – sometimes even when hitting the Back button – everything is loaded again from the server. Firstly, this makes the site load slower, needlessly annoying the user. Secondly, it wastes a lot of traffic, which is costly for the server operator and users on metered connections. Both applies not only to Danbooru but every site the user visits.

If you have a better suggestion, then tell us here on this thread, not "criticizing" my suggestion! Also, nobody knows how long temporary issues like this will last. Lastly, these settings can easily reverted by re-enabling the cache and restarting the browser, this should cripple nothing in the browser.


If you open the dev tools, you can right-click on the reload icon to get the option to do either a 'Hard Reload' (which is also Ctrl+Shift+R) or an 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload', no need to disable the cache in its entirety.

Paracite said:

If you open the dev tools, you can right-click on the reload icon to get the option to do either a 'Hard Reload' (which is also Ctrl+Shift+R) or an 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload', no need to disable the cache in its entirety.

Yeah, I just found those options on Chrome. But people who use Microsoft-made browsers may not have these options so either clearing the cache (for MS Edge) or disabling the cache (for IE) will still work if this issue arises again.

Paracite said:

If you open the dev tools, you can right-click on the reload icon to get the option to do either a 'Hard Reload' (which is also Ctrl+Shift+R) or an 'Empty Cache and Hard Reload', no need to disable the cache in its entirety.

Yeah, not seeing that on Firefox.

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