
Wiki Requests

Posted under General

Chiera said:

Not really a request, but made the usage of armpits and armpit peek more clear, since both tags shouldn't be used together.

iridescent_slime said:

It would be nice to have a more complete definition of what, exactly, an armpit peek is, though. Presently, the tag seems to be used for two completely different things:

The first definition seems analogous to tags like upskirt and downblouse, since it's a glimpse of parts that would normally be covered by clothing. The second definition is something else entirely. I don't think we should use the same tag for both.

i'll have my take on this as with 2k+ posts it is bound to get unwieldy (if not already is) to have different concepts having the same tag.

as others before mentioned, i mainly use armpit_peek for the armpit portion peeking out, from some sort of obstruction, usually the wearer's sleeve like post #2823652 , the shirt itself like post #2942786 . in a way, this is analogous to other *_peek tags like pubic_hair_peek or penis_peek.

kuuderes_shadow said:


There is an (underused) up sleeve tag that, if used properly, could capture the difference between the first and second things mentioned above.

the issue regarding up_sleeve is it is a misnomer for post #7934 post #2631957 to name a few as the sleeves are not raised up. it is just the viewer's perspective a bit lower and the opening facing a bit towards the viewer. the name also diverts the focus to the sleeves than the armpits. on post #2947690 , this is a peek as the character's hair serves as the obstruction without the presence of sleeves.

for post #2953099 i see no obstruction at all, same for post #2955142 . if we are going to tag that fold or crease (which is by default just armpits), i found armpit_vagina, according to urbandictionary . i'm surprised that there was actually a term for that at all and it's been quite some time already. googling led me to this and this where the likes are plentiful in the current armpit_peek. however, the tag name involving "vagina" might cause confusion.

so there it goes. i'll be open for post separation if we resolve the definitions.

What is sequential supposed to be? Some of the older posts with this tag look like individual frames of animation (post #256313), but this tag is mostly used for comic pages (post #699459, post #2143729) or just multiple views (post #2145288, post #2868911, post #2950997, all explicit).

ion288 said:

Surely we can think of a better name than armpit vagina. Armpit fold maybe?

I like armpit crease. But really, anything is better for this than armpit peek which is completely misleading.

nonamethanks said:

I edited the sailor collar wiki to remove the guideline of not using the tag for serafuku/school uniform posts, because it never really made any sense and was already ignored by everyone, with ~10k posts under serafuku+sailor_collar when I checked a couple of months ago.

@NWF_Renim opined in topic #5703 that allowing school uniforms to be tagged sailor collar invites flooding the tag with so many serafuku images that it would "destroy the functionality" of the tag. Just because a tag gets chronically misused doesn't mean we should throw up our hands and open it up for anyone to do as they please. Some tags just require more cleanup and maintenance than others.

nonamethanks said:

I edited the sailor collar wiki to remove the guideline of not using the tag for serafuku/school uniform posts, because it never really made any sense and was already ignored by everyone, with ~10k posts under serafuku+sailor_collar when I checked a couple of months ago.

If serafuku are included within the tag, then the serafuku tag becomes nothing more than a two-tag replacement search (school_uniform sailor_collar) and should logically be nuked then.

iridescent slime said:
Just because a tag gets chronically misused doesn't mean we should throw up our hands and open it up for anyone to do as they please. Some tags just require more cleanup and maintenance than others.

It's more that this to me feels like a case where you can't win - the sailor collar is present in the picture, and people are naturally going to follow the "tag what you see" rule. In any case you can just do sailor_collar -serafuku to find pictures with sailor collars not in school uniforms, and it'll work better than a simple sailor collar search where the vast majority of the pics are mistagged.

NWF_Renim said:

If serafuku are included within the tag, then the serafuku tag becomes nothing more than a two-tag replacement search (school_uniform sailor_collar) and should logically be nuked then.

Serafuku as a whole is more than just sailor collar + school uniform - it's a pleated skirt with sailor collar and typically a neckerchief or neck ribbon - I feel it's significant enough to warrant its own tag, even if it'll end up having most of its posts being a pseudo-subset of sailor collar (more than "end up", it already is). It's certainly as significant in the weeb community and in booru tagging as the otoko_no_ko tag, which in truth could just be made obsolete by a mix of androgynous/crossdressing tags, but is still kept around for convenience reason and because it's so widely known it'd be counterproductive to eliminate it.
However as I said above having a tag exclude another where both can be clearly seen in a picture is very counterintuitive - it's basically going to require a neverending gardening project, and it already was at a massively fucked up state back in august, which is when I asked about it and @Type-kun said: "given that tag count, likely the tag definition should be changed instead" (I never did anything about it though before two days ago because I forgot). Nobody did anything about it in almost half a year either, but leaving it in a state of limbo is worse than not clarifying how the tag is supposed to be used.

And even then, if we remove the sailor collar tag, how do we tag the color of the sailor collar in a serafuku? How do we distinguish between Astolfo's and Girls und Panzer's serafuku colors, where the shirts have the same tone but the collar is the one having a different color?

For the record, in the last month out of ~1800 pictures, 500 had the sailor collar tag added to them, either in color form only or the generic one. That's more than 1/4th of them all (Also as a disclaimer, I added the sailor collar tag to pictures in the past but only for those that already had the colored variant tag in them added by another user. I can undo my edits simply enough if it comes to that).


nonamethanks said:

In any case you can just do sailor_collar -serafuku to find pictures with sailor collars not in school uniforms

Exclusion searches are always inaccurate since they remove set intersections, plus they rely more on 100% accurate tagging which of course is notnever the case. For myself, I've only used sailor collar when it's not a serafuku, i.e. school uniform.

I'd be for nuking the serafuku tag myself, but if the insistence is to keep the serafuku tag, I'd much rather see tags tailored only to that used instead of using the IMO non-serafuku *_sailor_collar tags. This is just me spitballing ideas, but an idea for a serafuku exclusive collar tag would be red-collared_serafuku, black-collared_serafuku, etc.

BrokenEagle98 said:

Exclusion searches are always inaccurate since they remove set intersections, plus they rely more on 100% accurate tagging which of course is notnever the case. For myself, I've only used sailor collar when it's not a serafuku, i.e. school uniform.

I'd be for nuking the serafuku tag myself, but if the insistence is to keep the serafuku tag, I'd much rather see tags tailored only to that used instead of using the IMO non-serafuku *_sailor_collar tags. This is just me spitballing ideas, but an idea for a serafuku exclusive collar tag would be red-collared_serafuku, black-collared_serafuku, etc.

To be honest I don't feel very strongly about the serafuku tag - but the real problem is that it's very ingrained as a tag (with 143k pictures). Thinking more about it, its presence complicates the matter of tagging colored outfits because there's also tags like black serafuku (the only colored variant with a notable post count) and of course the colored sailor collars, which people would just keep using were we to make them not applicable to serafuku...

nonamethanks said:

To be honest I don't feel very strongly about the serafuku tag - but the real problem is that it's very ingrained as a tag (with 143k pictures). Thinking more about it, its presence complicates the matter of tagging colored outfits because there's also tags like black serafuku (the only colored variant with a notable post count) and of course the colored sailor collars, which people would just keep using were we to make them not applicable to serafuku...

Well, if the conversation needs to continue on, it should probably be moved to a new thread. The Great Serafuku Retagging Project...?

There are almost ten thousand images in danbooru tagged as both yukata and kimono, but most of those images only have 1 person or a few person wearing one type of cloth. Since a single cloth cannot be both yukata and kimono, it means many of those images are mis-tagged. More than half of these images are also tagged solo. Please refrain from further applying tag in this way and if anyone have time please consider trying to adjust tags in all these posts...

c933103 said:

There are almost ten thousand images in danbooru tagged as both yukata and kimono, but most of those images only have 1 person or a few person wearing one type of cloth. Since a single cloth cannot be both yukata and kimono, it means many of those images are mis-tagged. More than half of these images are also tagged solo. Please refrain from further applying tag in this way and if anyone have time please consider trying to adjust tags in all these posts...

The yukata wiki says:

This tag implicates kimono (learn more).

This makes sense. A yukata is a subset of kimono.

c933103 said:

There are almost ten thousand images in danbooru tagged as both yukata and kimono, but most of those images only have 1 person or a few person wearing one type of cloth. Since a single cloth cannot be both yukata and kimono, it means many of those images are mis-tagged. More than half of these images are also tagged solo. Please refrain from further applying tag in this way and if anyone have time please consider trying to adjust tags in all these posts...

That's because yukata implies kimono.

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