
How do I tag this?

Posted under Tags

fossilnix said:

post #2931219

How should I tag this expression? To me she looks slightly scared, but the people in the scared tag are terrified. Or maybe she's nervous? but the people in the nervous tag tend to be more pronounced, like they have flying sweatdrops and blushes... is there a slight fear tag, like how we have slight_smile and slight_frown?

Nervous is perfectly appropriate, but if that's too much worried is good, maybe also in combination with expectant (for the light smile), were the latter not being predominantly used to duplicate pov feet.

For my own part, post #853781, post #2207524, post #2108926, etc.; 'artist' erasures of wardrobes for which revealing cutout doesn't neatly apply.

Updated by DanbooruBot

ion288 said:

post #493159
Whats band used as a bra called? Cloth seems wrong.

Bandeau? Certainly not binding; that would be stretching it.

For the binder tears, I'm almost certain I ran into it tag-surfing awhile back, but it doesn't appear to be chained to other like image composition wikis to find a path back to it.

@☆♪, ghostrigger
A similar concept is evidenced in film strip (post #2294848, for one, though not circular).

Updated by DanbooruBot