Since long before I came here, uploading “whole chapters of manga” was discouraged, but it was widely tolerated to upload doujinshi and thanks to many excellent translators, soft-translated doujinshi have become a staple of Danbooru that’s widely popular with users who don’t just come here to look at porn.
From what I see, these comic-type uploads are generally accepted (if they are drawn well enough, but this post is not about quality):
- fan-works from the usual sources (Pixiv, etc)
- self-published doujinshi and original works of similar format, even if bought at conventions or aftermarket outlets
- permanently free official comics, often released one page a day or week (pool #5674, pool #12727, etc)
The Uploading Guidelines reflect this quite well by listing Manga from big-name international publishers under Generally Rejected.
I think that longer manga series from big-name publishers are more what the scanlation community is going for, while we concentrate more on one-shots, short(er) doujin series and standalone images, which seem less attractive for scanlators.
However, I’ve recently noticed an increase in manga from big-name publishers being uploaded by unlimited uploaders, sometimes even when the series is already being scanlated elsewhere, and I think that that’s better left to the scanlation community and online readers such as Batoto or Dynasty Reader, just as videos are better suited for Youtube.
There’s also the potential issue of ending up on the bad side of some big publisher. The 2014 METI campaign also comes to mind...
So what do you guys think about this? Unlimited Manga Works or stick with the Uploading Guidelines?