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New Tag Category - Meta

Posted under Bugs & Features

I've came here to comment on just how fancy and practical it looks. And I like when both definitions fuse.
That was pain in fingers to find meta tags you forgot to add after tag editing in mass upload cases, because lots of them were sank in other "genetral" section.

Unbreakable said:

I know it's on the list but I'm unsure if hard translated should be made meta.

I vote for meta, because it may interlope with each other.


PhoenixG said:

isn't it better for the meta tags placed above the gen tags? Since these are "special" tags.

Checkout topic #14372 and topic #14245. The idea was to have them placed right above the Information section, since a lot of the Meta tags correlate highly with the information there.

DeadW@nderer said:

BTW, after some browsng and reading tags, should we move to "meta" the comic section (Nkomas, doujinshi etc.)?

What makes a comic... why it's layout of course. Which is immediately observable from the image itself. So I'm leaning no.

fossilnix said:

How about cover tags?

I'm leaning no for the same reason as above. A cover most often looks like a cover.

Lokispawn said:

Comic, silent comic, right to left comic, (etc.) and the various n x koma tier?

Same, except for maybe right to left comic. It should be apparent what the reading order is from the image itself, but not necessarily. Would be interested to hear other's thoughts on this.

G-SANtos said:

Key visual?

Not being that familiar with the concept myself, even after reading the wiki, is there anything that normally shows up in such an image that would clue in a user that it's key visual, or is it entirely a Meta concept?

ghostrigger said:

thinking tag group:family relationships should fall here as well.

That's a potentially more controversial form of meta, but it is indeed meta to the image. I wouldn't be opposed to it, but since its not clear cut, I'd like to hear how a few others chime in so that we can gain a consensus.

fossilnix said:

Are meta tags supposed to be meta for the image file, or meta for the picture content?

That's what we're kind of hashing out right now. I'd say both, but would like to hear a consensus on this before pushing forward with that.

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