
Upload Feedback Thread - post here if your uploads keep getting deleted

Posted under General

shipforce said:

OK, At least, I'd appreciate feedback on these 6

post #2895386
post #2897275
post #2896412
post #2895442
post #2895398
post #2896493

I don't see anything wrong with them.

There's nothing explicitly wrong with 2, 3, 4, and 6, aside from being too rough and simple to be considered 'finished' art, but it's not unheard of for 4komas to be less developed. Being chinese probably takes some points off as fewer people are likely to understand the comic as well. 1 and 5 has bad leg anatomy.

shipforce said:

I'd appreciate feedback on these three
post #2899578

CodeKyuubi said:

The first one looks okay, if overfiltered with that watercolor filter.

It has rather creepy hands, though. Sieg’s right hand (left from our POV) is especially bad. It being right in the middle of the image makes things worse.

shipforce said:

I'd appreciate feedback on these three

post #2901828
post #2901846
post #2901992

Nothing wrong visually, but Fate/Apo is probably the least liked of the main Fate copyrights, and Astolfo is a controversial character. Also use the https link when you upload or replace it after you're done uploading, the pbs.twimg links in the source are unacceptable because they can't be traced back to the source on link alone.

Tldr; Fix your sources, and read through previous posts to get an idea of what is good if you want approvals and save your light yaoi/male focus images for when you don't need queue to upload.

MrBlackGold said:

I'd appreciate feedback on these five

post #2903047
post #2903051
post #2903056
post #2903082
post #2903120

I’d say that abstract art isn’t very popular on Danbooru. It’s an art style that doesn’t appeal to many, with rough, thick, layered lines, and little importance placed on accuracy and details. It may also be hard for approvers to assess such images and decide if they’re good enough to be accepted. To the untrained eye, it’s hard to distinguish between a good abstract image and a horrible accident involving a high-velocity cat and a paint bucket.

Pardon me, the post is not actually deleted yet but its on the verge on being deleted (almost reaching 3 days limit) so Im going ahead and ask what is wrong with this submission for future upload references:
post #2904081

I havent really seen any problems with this artist uploads these few years and I just dont see anything wrong with it, with similar tone to part of the artist's other works (ropes)

Thank you in advance. Really curious on why it wont pass :')

Nitramy said:

Odd question regarding the work of shiina (vuurood) / sena_ki_sei. There seems to be some inconsistency in moderating his/her work. Sometimes my posts get approved immediately (post #2902567) and others go through at least 10 or more mods without it being approved (post #2903698 and post #2903699). There is even a post I appealed.

Would be nice if you guys looked into it. Thanks.

Some work of an artist being accepted doesn’t mean that other works from the same artist will be accepted as well. Generally speaking, all images are judged individually. This was mentioned several times before in this thread. The ones you mentioned are sketchy and pretty close to the acceptance threshold, so some might be barely above threshold while others are below it and won’t get accepted. I don’t see any “inconsistency” there.

53N75U124N said:

Pardon me, the post is not actually deleted yet but its on the verge on being deleted (almost reaching 3 days limit) so Im going ahead and ask what is wrong with this submission for future upload references:

Do not appeal or request feedback for posts that are still pending. Some approvers take their time with borderline images. I’ve got some tags on your post blacklisted, so maybe someone else can spare a comment. Btw, judging by the tags, you misrated the image. Read howto:rate if you haven’t done so yet.

Do not appeal or request feedback for posts that are still pending. Some approvers take their time with borderline images. I’ve got some tags on your post blacklisted, so maybe someone else can spare a comment. Btw, judging by the tags, you misrated the image. Read howto:rate if you haven’t done so yet.

Ah, thank you very much and sorry for the trouble, really appreciate the reply and feedback!

53N75U124N said:

Please allow me to ask for feedback now that it's been deleted:
post #2904081

Thank you very much in advance :)

The wood pattern of the floor has high contrast to the rest of the floorboards, drawing the eye in a bad way to their bad design. He probably would've been better using a texture overlay. The semen looks pretty bad on average, and it looks like the artist draw the ropes over the clothes. Experienced artists usually draw up, from nude, to underwear and accessories, to clothes. This allows them to shape the clothes around what's underneath or what they want to show, which also gives the clothes a realistic look with folds and tautness, which this image lacks.

The perspective is flat, with little to no foreshortening even as she lies away and further from the viewer where her upper body is. And further, it looks like the character is estranged from the lighting of the scene, you can see that there are bars of light and shadow on the floor which aren't reflected on the character, who is colored too brightly to be in the shade. The coloring itself is mediocre, neither good nor terrible.

·_>· said:

post #2905360

It's well drawn, but the composition is too narrow and the resolution too small and there is not even a hint of coloring, even in monochrome.

natartnat said:

May I ask for feedback of these 7.
post #2900186
post #2900187
post #2900188
post #2900996
post #2900997
post #2900998
post #2900999

these pics are part of pool #13030 Fate/Grand Order - Fujimaru Ritsuka Manga (Hiji).

I'm not well-versed in comic approvals. All I can say is that it seems well drawn enough for a monochrome comic. That said, please do replace your pbs.twimg links with the https://twitter-- link after you upload, so that images can be properly traced back to their point of origin without having to jump over extra hurdles.

CodeKyuubi said:
That said, please do replace your pbs.twimg links with the https://twitter-- link after you upload, so that images can be properly traced back to their point of origin without having to jump over extra hurdles.

Actually, I use batch upload of danbooru. So did't check the link.
Thank for point out my mistake. I will fix it for the next upload.

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