This discussion is separated from topic #13646 since I think it's enough of an issue to warrant its own thread.
I think image samples should be hard deleted (or double deleted, permanently deleted, etc) from the server the same way we handle corrupted images, as all of them serve no real purpose on the server, and instead cause more trouble for users trying to find sample posts they've favorited (and the favorites haven't moved yet).
And since we handle sample images a different way now through the use of replaceme, we should be getting no more image samples uploaded that can't be replaced. Of course, unless the original fullsize is already uploaded, but still.
My proposal is this. For every image that match the search image_sample status:deleted parent:any:
- Check it for any annotations/translations/notes and move them to the parent if it hasn't been done already. image_sample ~translated ~partially_translated ~annotated status:deleted
- Move all favorites to the parent post (assuming that is not also an image_sample and is the actual post replacement)
- Delete the post.
There are a few upsides to doing this job that make it worthwhile, I think:
- Would free up some space on the server. Perhaps not much, but space regardless.
- Would fix inaccurate/misleading deletion counts for users that have uploaded a lot of samples in the past unknowingly (as we didn't have a policy for Twitter samples until several months ago). Looks better for their user record, and arguably makes for a more accurate representation of their uploading performance.
- The above, in the past, would also have increased the upload limit for users, but it has been a long time now (and the way we handle image samples leads to few cases like these anymore)
- Users that have sample images favorited (and those favorites haven't been moved yet), on favorites migration, don't have to search status:deleted to find the post they favorited (as deleted posts don't show up by default, and they might be confused if they don't exactly know how the deleted gallery works). This means they get an extra tag to search (and this is especially meaningful if they're a member-level user that can only search 2 tags at once -- fav:self status:deleted already takes up their whole limit).
Of course, I also think there are a few downsides, such as:
- Comments on a sample post not being moved over. That can't really be helped, unless there's actually a way to do this. Correct me if so.
- Tag edit history on a sample post, among other things, also being lost for good. To me this is trivial, but someone might care about seeing their contribution history...?
- Sample uploader doesn't get any credit for their upload. But this isn't that big a deal, or it shouldn't be.
Anyways, I'd like to have a discussion about it as I know it does bother some users. If we can follow through with such a proposal, I imagine it'd help a lot.
Brought up also because I uploaded post #2857640 on mistake -- I don't think it should be moved to deleted gallery as it's a legitimized post through the artist's pixiv (even if he did it unknowingly or perhaps intentionally), but I do think it should be permanently deleted (which is odd for me to say, having differing opinions on a post's livelihood when it comes to permanent or non-permanent deletion).