
Sakimichan images on Danbooru

Posted under General

So, there have been quite a LOT of images from sakimichan posted on Danbooru recently aaand, is this ok?

The artist was listed as banned around 3 years ago and several people received warnings about posting these images from what i saw, yet they keep coming.

What's everyone's stance on this, is Sakimichan still banned? Should this be allowed to happen or, should the people posting receive some 'punishment, whatever that is?

Could be that one guy who kept posting patreon rewards from sakimichan under multiple accounts. I stopped uploading images from banned artists once I realized after seeing one of the banned artists arguing with mods here that it's not really worth it in the long run.

Sakimichan should still be banned. The most worrying thing about this trend is that a disturbing number of long-time users are participating in the posting of pieces. If an artist goes out of their way to get put on to the 'do not post' list, we as a community should respect that.

yup, that's why i quoted it.
We wouldn't actually be deleting them off the site but status:banned doesn't really appear like anything to most users. If the images are deleted/invisible/marked with a black border, from the status:deleted, it would be more of an incentive to not post.

keonas said:

We wouldn't actually be deleting them off the site but status:banned doesn't really appear like anything to most users.

Regular users, which are “most users”, can’t see banned posts.

kittey said:

Regular users, which are “most users”, can’t see banned posts.

I actually didn't know that. Can't find any mention of it though, only that new uploads are banned automatically but, since i could still see them as regular posts, i didn't think they'd be invisible to other users.
I clearly didn't know much of anything about our ban system when starting this thread, since i've never had to deal with it.

If a user posts a banned artist then it prevents another user from posting it without an artist tag. I don't think it's useful to misconstrue the way banned artists works an is actually more damaging to the perception of the site for artists that what you are intending to do.

The only that would concern me about the current configuration is 1) too many contributors having access to banned posts. perhaps it should be limited to approvers since it's only really useful for them for regulation of banned content and they can actually ban posts; and 2) platinum/gold users being able to view banned posts. they should be able to see content such as loli but I see a problem in feeding the false perception that you can buy access to "premium content."

chinatsu said:

The only that would concern me about the current configuration is 1) too many contributors having access to banned posts. perhaps it should be limited to approvers since it's only really useful for them for regulation of banned content and they can actually ban posts; and 2) platinum/gold users being able to view banned posts. they should be able to see content such as loli but I see a problem in feeding the false perception that you can buy access to "premium content."

It will.
People already complaining about how we must pay dollars to be a Gold or Platinum member just for accessing loli contents.
If you ban contributors from viewing banned content, yet allow Gold or Platinum members to view them, it's just a matter of adding fuel to the forest fire. The repercussions will be so severe.

Sacriven said:

It will.
People already complaining about how we must pay dollars to be a Gold or Platinum member just for accessing loli contents.
If you ban contributors from viewing banned content, yet allow Gold or Platinum members to view them, it's just a matter of adding fuel to the forest fire. The repercussions will be so severe.

If people complain about having to pay to see loli this doesn't really matter to me. Paying and then being able to see banned artists? That to me is a big problem. Banned artists already have very inflating favorite and score counts. This should indicate there are already several dozen active users of the site that take advantage of their premium upgrades to view banned artits.

My point here was not to 'ban contributors from viewing banned content, yet allow Gold or Platinum members to view them.' At the very least I think gold/play shouldn't see banned artists. After that requisite step I think banned content should be limited to approvers and moderation. The only useful reason someone should be able to see banned content is in order to manage it, like any other banned content on the net. Not for its consumption.

tapnek said:

Just have contributors and above the only ones be able to see banned content. What harm has been done by having contributors having viewing access to banned content?

None that I'm aware of materially. However there is a huge and growing pool of contributors. Limiting it to approvers, moderators, and above limits this significantly, I don't have numbers for it. And what utility exactly is there in a contributor in viewing banned content? If I'm not mistaken only approvers/moderators can ban and unban posts.

chinatsu said:

And what utility exactly is there in a contributor in viewing banned content?

Builders without banned content privileges may still find it necessary to clean up tags that have been misused or are simply unnecessary. Most of @GoGoBottingRangers 's uploads, for instance, bore the female tag, which is supposed to be left empty. Any tag gardeners unable to view banned content would be compelled to seek assistance from a moderator in order to remove redundant tags or disambiguate vague ones, which is fairly inconvenient. Apart from that, I'm not aware of any reason why these posts should be visible to the bulk of users.

Shouldn't banned content just be deleted off completely? no one gets to see it and no one gets to manage it. Basically deleted on sight. I don't know if it's possible or not. Like, if an artist doesn't want their content uploaded here, then that means no one gets to see it. So just having it as status:deleted means some people still have access to this content.

How can you fulfill a promise to conceal content without knowing what the content actually is? We need to be able to see the content to make sure only banned content is concealed without false positives. And if an artist reversed their decision the posts would be visible and organized immediately. Just a list of banned MD5 hashes would be unworkable.

And it's not status:deleted it's status:banned.

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