post #9000000 GET!

Image Replacement Request Thread

Posted under General

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Most of the sample-size images for pool #2383 are missing, the only good one is the first. The full size images are still there, so they probably just need to go through the replacement process again to generate the preview images... hopefully... :/

Bad list:

post #778026, post #778068, post #778025, post #778069, post #778030, post #778037, post #778031, post #778043, post #778022, post #778042, post #778061, post #778063, post #778035, post #778064,

BrokenEagle98 said:

Most of the sample-size images for pool #2383 are missing, the only good one is the first. The full size images are still there, so they probably just need to go through the replacement process again to generate the preview images... hopefully... :/

I've noticed that same thing has happened with pretty much all of my old uploads that were replaced. Tried replacing one of them with the same image to see if anything happens, but got nothing. It seems like this affects posts with IDs of less than 1000000.

EB said:

I've noticed that same thing has happened with pretty much all of my old uploads that were replaced. Tried replacing one of them with the same image to see if anything happens, but got nothing. It seems like this affects posts with IDs of less than 1000000.

Created issue #3274.

worldendDominator said:

post #2272237
Is it possible to replace it with full size? I don't see a source image link, but maybe that can be done with some advanced tools?

? The full size (, not as specified in BrokenEagle98's comment) has the same MD5 hash as post #2272237's approved parent.

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