I have problems with transliterating 大房静子. Is it "oobusa" or "daibou"? "Seiko" or "shizuko"? The character is currently tagged shizuko_(ray-k).
Posted under General
I have problems with transliterating 大房静子. Is it "oobusa" or "daibou"? "Seiko" or "shizuko"? The character is currently tagged shizuko_(ray-k).
"大房" is "Oufusa" (Ōfusa), "静子" is Shizuko. With names you usually have to follow the Kun reading. Only rarely are Onyomi readings used for names, and usually it's special cases that are well known, or the artist uses furigana to indicate it. There's other fringe cases named Ateji but they appear pretty rarely and almost only conventionally for certain words (like sushi), so that's not the case here.
When unsure you can check Jisho.org, which is a pretty good dictionary site that in my experience can detect (and display) the correct hiragana for most names.