post #9000000 GET!

[Userscript] DTextStyler

Posted under General

DtextStyle adds a user interface dtext inputs. Clicking the available control buttons will add in various DText markup, e.g. [b], [i], [u], etc.


Project page
Main script
Usage notes

Visit the following wiki for thorough usage notes.


Any suggestions or feedback is appreciated.

Latest edits

  • (2022-09-04) Updated script link in OP


  • Ver 1: Initial development
  • Ver 2: Initial commit
  • Ver 3: Added hover text to buttons
  • Ver 4: Added support for DText tables
    • It will transform CSV text into a DText table
    • Also added wiki and tag search links
  • (2022-03-25)
    • Version 5 Complete overhaul
      • Upgraded UI
      • Added additional markup
      • Added undo/redo actions
      • Added previews for commentary
      • Added menu options
    • Added wiki page


This is what I'm waiting for. Back then I always wondering why Danbooru wasn't implementing features like RES (Reddit Enhancement Suite) to make DText more "expressive" and less time-consuming due to we have to manually open DText help page to see Bold/Italic/Underline codes etc. Finally, those days now ended.

The biggest enhancement with the latest update is support for DText tables.

It was always a bit of a chore to construct a DText table without the assistance of a script. With the above function, you only need to copy/paste CSV text into the window, select it all, and then click the table button.

Example of CSV text:


After 4 years, I finally updated the script, now at Version 5. One important note is that I changed the filename, so clicking the script link in the OP will install it. I also updated the old script file to now point to the new link for upgrades, but after a month or so I'll move it into the unsupported folder.