As I understand it, lossy-lossless currently is used for images that were at least once in JPG format before being converted to PNG, but currently I see the tag also being used on images that fit the search filetype:png jpeg_artifacts -- which is somewhat (?) correct when you stretch the definition enough.
So there are really two cases where I see it confidently used:
- Artist publishes in JPG → user converts to PNG and submits it here (or somewhere, that eventually ends up here by another user). Original is present.
- Artist publishes in PNG → some third-party user/website publishes a JPG conversion → user converts to PNG and submits it here (or somewhere else as above). Original is present.
lossy-lossless images are to be deleted when the original is available, as per how we handle third-party edits, and they are only acceptable when the artist legitimizes those artifacts in their submission by doing a lossy-lossless conversion themselves. It's a apparently sticky situation to me, as we can't assume whether the artifacts are intentionally there as an artistic feature or simply poor handling of their image exporting.
See otto, who seemingly often does this: otto jpeg_artifacts filetype:png.
Will mention some relevant users here who might care, apologies for the notice: @chinatsu (forum #133609, forum #133625) @kittey