
fate_(series) incorrect tags, need immediate fix

Posted under Tags

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KyteM said:

It's the difference between twins and the same person in two different outfits. Those are all still Cirno. Fate works and FGO in particular have made it clear the variants are separate individuals from the originals.

Fair point, then. Like I said, I don't know nearly enough about Fate - the situation just seemed similar.

KyteM said:

It's the difference between twins and the same person in two different outfits. Those are all still Cirno. Fate works and FGO in particular have made it clear the variants are separate individuals from the originals.

Sure, I have spare time at work. :V

I did bring that up in topic #13728. The way to solve that is by normalizing tag names so you can use wildcards properly.

Wow wish I knew about that thread before I made this. :X

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